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What realy hit the Pentagon?

Guest stvbreal

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I have performed work in the pentagon, and I am surprised the plane caused as much damage as it did. It would take something that large, and with as much momentum, to cause such devastation to that building. Any pieces of the plane that were left over were most likely taken directly into forensic labs, and that's why we didn't see them. Come on, there are much better buildings to blow up than the pentagon; the terrorists just didn't do their research. Even a domestic terrorist, if you believe that's what this was, would be smarter than that.


Also, a cruise missile explodes outside of it's target to induce the most amount of outward damage, similar to a torpedo. Whatever hit the pentagon burned more than exploded. If it were a missile, there would be much more chaos outside of the building. Our weapons work very well, and would have caused more extensive damage. Not to mention the idea of anything else seems idiotic.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

I have performed work in the pentagon, and I am surprised the plane caused as much damage as it did. It would take something that large, and with as much momentum, to cause such devastation to that building. Any pieces of the plane that were left over were most likely taken directly into forensic labs, and that's why we didn't see them. Come on, there are much better buildings to blow up than the pentagon; the terrorists just didn't do their research. Even a domestic terrorist, if you believe that's what this was, would be smarter than that.


Also, a cruise missile explodes outside of it's target to induce the most amount of outward damage, similar to a torpedo. Whatever hit the pentagon burned more than exploded. If it were a missile, there would be much more chaos outside of the building. Our weapons work very well, and would have caused more extensive damage. Not to mention the idea of anything else seems idiotic.

thank you, sir. the voice of reason has spoken.
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not gunna read any of that.

The towers were not brought down by the impact of 2 planes. They were brought down by the fuel they carried. The building materials used in the construction of the towers could not take the heat and failed. Once one level failed, the above levels came down on it. The momentum of that mass coming down took care of the lower levels. The toweres we not firm, concrete, massive structures, they were steel mesh tubes.


The pentagon was hit by an aircraft. A pilot can put a 777 6 feet off the ground and ease it onto its landing gear, why is it so hard to beleive that it couldnt hit the building without touching the ground?

The plane was NOT going 530 mph. They cant go that fast at such a low altitude. Closer to 350 mph, and nothing vaporizes on impact. Again, look to the melting temp of aluminum and the heat of the fuel fire. Throw a pop can into a bon fire and see what happens, that fire is only about 600 deg.

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Eli, tell me. How much experience do you have with cruise missiles, and in this case, TLAMs?


I may wanna be a UPS tech, but I wasn't always that way ;) Let's pick this apart....


a cruise missile explodes outside of it's target to induce the most amount of outward damage, similar to a torpedo.
Incorrect. A TLAM (Tomahawk Land Attack Missile) can be configured in a variety of different types, depending on mission. The majority of the time, they're configured for penetration into an object (building), then programmed to detonate at a certain depth within the structure.



A certain characteristic of the TLAM is it's ability to be programmed to certain waypoints, and finally directed to explode on a final target with it's remaining fuel supply, which happens to be JP-5 jet fuel (which we all know burns and doesn't combust very easily). This is after it's primary payload is expended if so optioned.


Our weapons work very well, and would have caused more extensive damage.
Correct, which means they can be surgically pinpointed at a target. When the TLAM engineers originally started with the TWCS/TLAM project, they reached the part consisting of the TLAM field tests. One of these tests was to program the TLAM to hit certain areas of a warehouse building from XXXX distance away. After many of these tests were surpassed, they started placing bets. The bet? Which window, which was two meters square, on which floor, could they fly the TLAM into from hundreds of miles away. The accuracy ratio was over 90%.


Can a TLAM fly 2' from the ground? Yes.

Is the TLAM fast? Yes.

Does it look like a winged airplane from a distance or to the untrained civilian eye? Yes.

Does it sound like a jet, followed by a whoosh sound at times? Yep, thanks to the turbofan engine it uses for propulsion.


There's so much more about the TLAM and types of TLAMs that I can discuss and debate with anyone until the wee hours of the morning. However, I'm not priviledged to discuss evrything I know.


But trust me, a TLAM is more than capable of causing what was seen in those pics, and can certainly leave those characteristics of the damage shown.

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Guest Cougar_55555
Originally posted by EvilEvo:

You must work for the government because everything that you just typed is horseshit.

Originally posted by EvilEvo:

For the people who think it was a 757, you obviously can't see. Look at the video again. No way in hell that object is 155 feet long. No way a 757 could fly that low to the ground without hitting something. No way a 757 would leave a small hole the size they show. No way, no how. Face it. You live in a country that kills their own. A country with a crooked government that fools the people. No different than Iraq.

You make me laugh.. go move to Iraq... Sure its all hard to belive.. the 155 foot long plane moving at 500mph didnt do damage you would expect.. but just listen to yourself, you just said that our country shot a missle at one of its main headquarters for no fuking reason.


You truly are a tool.. stick with talkin about cars. :rolleyes:

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Guest Varioram

I havent made up my mind one way or the other. It very well could have been a cruise missle or it was most likely the airplane. If it was a cruise missle then why would the government do that? Would it be to give them a reason to start a war? Wasnt WW2 what brought us out of the depression? Doesnt war boost economy? Isn't our economy in a slum right now? All very good logical questions but unless you can prove to some extent that the government did in fact do that...then flight 77 did crash into the pentagon, it did fly 2ft off the ground without hitting something, and it did create the small hole.

And about saying that we are just like Iraq...I'm not going to say much about this comment except have you heard the quote by Voltaire "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." why dont you go ask your buddies in iraq if they would do that. I cant believe you crossed the line and said something that ignorant.

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You people who believe in this X-Files conspiracy crap. Tell me one thing. Where is Barbara Olsen?


Now, you may wonder WHO Barbara Olsen was. I say "was", because she is no longer living. She was a journalist and author who often appeared as a televised guest on many news shows. She was also a passenger on Flight 77.


On September 11, she used her cell phone to call her husband, Theodore Olsen, who happens to be the Solicitor General of the United States. She described the hijackers. She described where the plane was flying.


She was not the only passenger on that flight to make a call like that.


Her friends in the media eulogized her and went to her funeral. One of the most grief-stricken was her close friend Ann Coulter, who is a columnist and occasional television guest. Coulter wrote some pretty enraged columns after 9/11. Her anger and pain over her friend's death was pretty evident. (I've met Ann Coulter personally, btw, through friends at Loyola Law School in California.)


So tell me, then. Given this "theory" that a cruise missile hit the Pentagon and not Flight 77 -- where is Barbara Olsen?


There are gullible sheep in this thread, but they are not the people who accept the fact that she and her fellow passengers died at the Pentagon. The true fools are the ones who choose to believe in a conspiracy theory that defies fact and reason.

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

not gunna read any of that.

The towers were not brought down by the impact of 2 planes. They were brought down by the fuel they carried. The building materials used in the construction of the towers could not take the heat and failed. Once one level failed, the above levels came down on it. The momentum of that mass coming down took care of the lower levels. The toweres we not firm, concrete, massive structures, they were steel mesh tubes.

You should at least glance through this. It argues that the collapse was perhaps triggered by charges other than (and including) the jet fuel. (And makes a damn strong argument I may add)



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Ok, I believe that it was a plane. No way, that it was a 757 though. Possibly a 737. Like it was stated before, A 757 flying low like that would of down trees and god only knows what else. I however definitely do not think it was an "inside job" or that it was a US cruise missle of any type. As for you EvilEvo, you statement of saying that we are no different than Iraq, you need to reissue your values bud. You do not see our government torturing innocent civilian lives, creating mass genocide (even though you think that the WTC, the Pentagon crash, and the Pennsylvania crash was all an "inside job". Which would make it genocide.) Or just killing because "they are the government and they can". Open your fucking eyes and realize that you are living in one if not the best nations in the world and there is no way, no how we are anything at all like IRAQ!
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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by SomethingQwik:

Ok, I believe that it was a plane. No way, that it was a 757 though. Possibly a 737. Like it was stated before, A 757 flying low like that would of down trees and god only knows what else. I however definitely do not think it was an "inside job" or that it was a US cruise missle of any type. As for you EvilEvo, you statement of saying that we are no different than Iraq, you need to reissue your values bud. You do not see our government torturing innocent civilian lives, creating mass genocide (even though you think that the WTC, the Pentagon crash, and the Pennsylvania crash was all an "inside job". Which would make it genocide.) Or just killing because "they are the government and they can". Open your fucking eyes and realize that you are living in one if not the best nations in the world and there is no way, no how we are anything at all like IRAQ!

A 737 is only 55 feet shorter than a 757. You mean to tell me that what is shown in the video is a 100 foot long object? I beg to differ. I think it is you that needs to open your eyes and face the fact that it was not a plane at all that hit the Pentagon. Our government isn't as squeeky clean as you make it out to be.


Also watch the video servailance from the CNN link. They say it was coming in at a 45 degree angle. The video clearly shows the object coming straight at the wall of the Pentagon.

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A tomahawk is 22' long and white.


I'm not saying it was, but it fits the bills of what the vid shows. It also carries the physical characteristics of being able to come in as described by the eyewitnesses.


Don't ask me why someone would fire a cruise missile into the Pentagon, I don't fucking know. I'm just backing up a theory with proven facts.

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