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Actually, 1-AD is a prohormone that is converted to 1-testosterone by the enzyme 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase... 1-testosterone and 1-AD are both unable to aromatize to estrogen, so unless you are stacking it with a DHT derivitave, the estrogenic effects and libido loss will be almost nill. The side effects usually associated with it are the hair loss and acne shits.


Though, with it all being illegal now, it is best just to use injectables to save your liver.

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Yes, im aware of all of this. Where did i say 1ad will give you limp dick? I guess i should have been more specific.


I'm taking 1ad with 4ad. Biotest has a product called mag 10 destroyer, the legacy formula that has 4-ad in an ethyl carbonate form.


I'm getting blood work done as soon as i finish my cycle.

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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

Supplements are stupid. Eat real food.

You dont really know what youre talking about. Sorry.


I consume 225-250g of protein per day.

I cosume 6g of Essential fatty acids each day.

I NEED 3-5g taurine today to couter the effects of

The 100mcg of Clenbuterol I consume per day.


So if you can afford to buy 10 peices of chicken, 3-5 fillets of salmon per day, And are ok with a rotted liver or accept a 10% slower metabolism then yes you can rely on just food.

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Guest GSRchick714
Ok sorry I "don't know what I'm taling about"...I take no supplements and I think I'll survive just fine. And I don't need to eat all that chicken and salmon each day. You can laugh in my face when my liver rots :rolleyes:
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Look, if you want to live the life of the standard sedentary American, a standard food intake will serve you fine. I'm sure as a girl you can easily get away with it. But a male trying to build lean muscle mass or one attempting to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass as efficiently as possible will inevitably need the aid of supplements. Even if it's simply a protein boost. If one intends to go beyond what your genetic have provided it is simply impossible to do so without anabolic agents and supporting nutrients.


It's like saying you can make your car dramatically faster than stock with out adding anything too it. If you intend to take your body beyond average, you need the gear to do so.


You can roll your eyes all you want but it was your initial condescending, ignorant attitude toward our supplements that started this.

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I try to consume 240g of protein a day(thats what i currently weigh) and roughly over 1000 carbs a day.


I have found, following a diet is the hardest thing. I get very moody while cutting things out

of my diet, IE caffiene/sugars.


Ken is corret, and i agree with what he said.

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Guest GSRchick714
I'm not against people taking supplements, I just wouldn't bother spending the money on things like that. Props to you for trying hard to build muscle..good luck
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