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I'm telling you guys........


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damn...maybe the mayans were right when they said the world is gonna end in 2012 at least at this rate...

I think they may be onto something to. They knew their shit even back then.

I know I wont be at work on 12-21-12 (I think it is). I'm buggered if i'm going to be stuck at work when it all comes to an end.

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I think they may be onto something to. They knew their shit even back then.

I know I wont be at work on 12-21-12 (I think it is). I'm buggered if i'm going to be stuck at work when it all comes to an end.

Some say 12-12-12, some say 12-21-12. Either way, my ass will be in church or something that day.

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Pussies....just fucking live! If it ends, it fucking ends. You can't do nothing about it! GAWDDAMN! :rolleyes:

Y do you think I don't give a fuck?! Because we're all going to DIE! Say what you want to say...live how you want to live! Don't give a fuck!

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damn...maybe the mayans were right when they said the world is gonna end in 2012 at least at this rate...

The calendar does not end its just rolls over, like a mechanical odometer with a power drill attached to the speedo line :) Was 99999 now its 00001 :) Those guys were just too lazy to add another digit so the calendar lasts longer!

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If Jesus is coming back, I doubt it the second coming would be Asian based... just a hunch.

This is one thing I can agree with Nick on... just live people - all you crazy nut jobs. Anything that happens is beyond your control ANYWAY, so why worry about it? We had a guy quit work the other day because he had to "get his life in order" for the second coming. He was in on Wednesday, said "tomorrow's my last day" and was gone Thursday, and he left a stack of religious propaganda on his desk "for anyone that wants to know why I'm leaving and are also humble servants of God"

This was in April, and we're all worried we're going to come into work one morning and he'll be picking people off from the water tower. Total religious, gun toting, stereotypical conservative in the worst sense - and to top it off, he's now without a job, which would really scare me.

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Pussies....just fucking live! If it ends, it fucking ends. You can't do nothing about it! GAWDDAMN! :rolleyes:

Y do you think I don't give a fuck?! Because we're all going to DIE! Say what you want to say...live how you want to live! Don't give a fuck!

True we all should be living to the fullest Nick but what many forget is this life is sooooooo short compared to eternity. The decisions we make today in this life decides where we spend eternity (which is a very very very very long time). ;)

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