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Sport Bikes look out


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Some of you know CPD has a task force out now for sport bikes. I thought it was bullshit. This past Saturday I was dicking around on 70 heading east. A car cut me off. I went around the car and opened it up. I just did some shit to my bike and want to see how much faster it was now. I cruise up 70 and get off at Rome Hilliard road and turn on to Trabue. I stop at the Ameri stop on the corner of Wilson and Trabue. A CPD cruiser parks behind my bike, gets out and points his gun at me telling me to get on the ground. Three other cruisers and a chopper show up. They put me in the cruiser, impound my bike, and took me to county. I posted bail @ 9:30pm and got released @ 5:10am. I got my bike out of impound and went back out riding. I talked to some other guys that ride in my neighbor hood and they are getting followed to. No matter how fast you're going they will follow you to see if you do anything. Watch your asses, trust me staying in county all night is not a good time.
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Guest johnsfocus02
shit man the westside recently has been crawling with all kinds of cops cpd and sheriff i got pulled over a few weeks back for jumping to fast off a red light and just cus my car has a watermelon shotter he heard me came across three lanes of traffic just to give me a ticket also at broad and wilson probally the dsame cop
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 2.0ColumbusKing
Thats nice they put the whole force on you for speeding, but when I got robbed I get one fat cop who still had doughnut crumbs around his mouth.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Roger Hupp
No all cops are assholes. The ones that are, and you know who you are, are most likely to be the ones that people made fun of and kicked the shit out of when they were kids.
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Guest Jonnygts
Originally posted by AWDnot2:

No all cops are assholes. The ones that are, and you know who you are, are most likely to be the ones that people made fun of and kicked the shit out of when they were kids.

And they are liars. I lost ALL respect for Cops after this one said i was street racing, and driving all over the place. SHE gave me 4 tickets in one night. And Cops wonder why ppl HATE them soo much. They are soo retarded. I dont care if they risk their lives anymore for us. They better if they are goin to make up all this BS.
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All bikers think ohh I"m on two wheels they can't catch me welll... yea in columbus they can I got fuck hardcore(not in the ass though) guns pointed and all. Long story though not going there today. Bikers be smart-speed and fuck around cuz you know you want to- but be smart and just pull over believe me it is worth it.
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Originally posted by Bill Dozzer:

Some of you know CPD has a task force out now for sport bikes. I thought it was bullshit. This past Saturday...

What makes you think it's just sportbikes? I believe that is just one target...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Bottlefed70
Damn, cops can be sneeky as fuck hiding and just putting dicks in who ever they want. But sometimes I wish I was a cop cause there are some fucking assholes out there.
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Originally posted by Slow Bad:


What makes you think it's just sportbikes? I believe that is just one target... [/QB]

Five other guys from my neighbor hood got messed with. My friend got stopped two blocks from my house. Yeah I was going faster than I should of, but all that man power for that is a waste I think.

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Here's a new concept...don't drive like a fuckin' idiot and the cops will leave you alone. Obviously there are enough morons on bikes to warrant a crack-down. Ride responsibly and you won't have shit to worry about.
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Guest Bottlefed70
Yeah, its almost like everyone now who has a bike is an idiot. And they wonder why you see a lot of motorcycle deaths lately. And it always seems like the kids that just bought a new bike going about 100 down the freeway or sidestreet swerving around cars and running stop signs. Plus those fags that ride without a helmet but bring it with them and leave it straped to the bike.....whats the point...to look cool? And who rides with sandals on.....see it all the time. There are only two kind of riders "those that have been down, and those that are going down".
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Originally posted by Bottlefed70:

There are only two kind of riders "those that have been down, and those that are going down".

that line is so old!


anyway, were u riding on temps? expired temps? ..they dont normally impound ya bike and take you to jail for speeding..

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Originally posted by telsea:

that line is so old!


anyway, were u riding on temps? expired temps? ..they dont normally impound ya bike and take you to jail for speeding..

they will if they believe he i trying to run from the cops and that would explain why there was reinforcments and the copter when you took off a police office probably saw you do so a nd took chase. and if you were not slowing down figured you were running and called for back up.
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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

You must be one of the fuckin' idiots I'm referring to in my post.

You must be one of those ricers he was referring to in his post.


Originally posted by Slowica GT:

...don't drive like a fuckin' idiot...

It's pretty obvious you've never meet Bill before. tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Neo:

You must be one of those ricers he was referring to in his post.

That never gets old does it? I mean, after all, I've only admitted it time and time again on this board. :rolleyes:


I'm not singling anyone in particular here. But obviously there have been enough calls, complaints, etc. to warrant a crack down on bikers.


It's quite simple really. Don't do anything to give them a reason to pull you over. Yeah, the gun was probably a little over the top, but the helicopter is probably the only way to keep up with this guy.


Use your head and a little common sense and you won't find yourself in situations like this.

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Guest johnsfocus02
Originally posted by Ricochet:

Try driving a Honda with a fart can, they bug us just at much.. minus the whole gun and helicopter thing, haven't seen that one yet.

try driving a ford with a fart can, except after I get the pull over I see the cop walking up luaghing his ass off.
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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

That never gets old does it?

No, not one bit, you ricer.


"What did da five fingas say to da face?"

graemlins/slap.gif !!!


I wasn't defending Bill when I said the rest either, which it seems as how you took it. I was just saying you'd know typing that is futile if you've meet him before.

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Bill Dozzer I'm just curios what you were charged with, you failed to mention it? Obviously it was an arrestable offense because you went to jail, and you yourself admitted that you just did stuff to your bike to make it faster and opened it to see what it would do. I fail to see where it is the police who are at fault. How about some more info on your experience.
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I was charged with speeding, fleeing, and wreckless op. I got a good lawyer and still going through the court system on this. I assure any trash talkers I'm not some novice rider. Thanks Neo for having my back. I agree that you have to have the proper riding gear, thats why I spent a lot of money on it.
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  • 2 weeks later...

that's total bull shit.


i got pulled over on my bike two weeks ago on the east side. The cop told me the reason he pulled me over was to check if my bike was stolen. He gave me some b/s story about a bike like mine with a similar vin number had been reported stolen from GA that morning. i didn't get a ticket but he hassled me for over an hour.

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