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What do I say to contest a ticket in court?

Guest nevarmore

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Guest nevarmore

I just got a speeding ticket. Due to a change in ownership and a lousy local job market I am temporarily unemployed, so I have plenty of free time to contest this ticket.


The ticket was in Lyndhurst (Cleve suburb) on I-271N in the express lanes. I got clocked at 82 in a 60 on Saturday at 11:15 in light traffic on a gorgeous day. I pulled over promptly, was polite to the officer, and didn't really try to get out of my ticket on the roadside.


I am not going to try the extenstion trick, I would be working again by the time those dates rolled around. Despite this, if the officer does not appear, am I automatically off the hook??


Once I get to court, in my suit and tie of course, what exactly should I say to the judge? Do I plead not guilty? Plead guilty and ask for leniency (no points or reduced fine)? I was thinking of working up a defense based on finally having a track-capable car and getting track time on it to get my agressive driving fix.


"I now have a nice car that I really enjoy and is capable on the safety of the track. The incident on Saturday was just a wakeup call that the freeways are not an open lapping course and I should watch out. I work hard to save up for track days and would rather spend my money there than giving it to a traffic court. At the very least, considering I am an out of work college student, if the court could grant some leniency and reduce the fine or waive the point penalty. At any rate this court will not see me again. The time, effort, and money I have already had to spend has encouraged me to slow down and control myself behind the wheel."


I can see that being turned around and making things worse.


Lastly, as all of you know, I'm a bit of an asshole. If the court agitates me I'm paying in singles, quarters, or pennies. Depending on my mood that day and how bad I feel for the poor cashier/clerk.

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i wouldn't mention anything that implies or boldly states "track car" thats an automatic max fine with the rest of the riceboys that roll through there. the judge is driving a cadillac and wouldn't appreciate a track car on the street.
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Guest nixon
just give a pity story on how your in debt from college, was speeding slightly (you know how those things happen). This would devistate your position. Its given a rude awakening and are at the mercy of traffic court to give leniency.. smile.gif or get a lawyer always has worked for me
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Guest wigsite
The judge is not going to be buying any excuse no matter how good it seems while you are making it up. If you want to fight it you gotta go all out. Get an extension, submit request for discovery etc..that is the only way to get cleared and that is only if they don't provide the requested info and the officer doesn't show up. Other than that, plead no contest and be polite. Or flee the country.
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Guest nevarmore
Yea I know, I know. I should just pay up. Its just that I've gotten a few of these since I got my liscence and it bugs the crap outta me that I (and most people) just roll over and pay the speeding tax.
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Fuck that, I'm no patron Saint. I'll get out of whatever punishment I can. He's not complaining about getting the ticket he's just trying to figure out how to not get screwed by it, reduce the punishment. It's human nature and there's nothign wrong with that. Cut the holier than thou crap because I'm not buying it.
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track car = ticket, no way to get out of it


Better to leave that out.


What county?


Suggest getting a lawyer if your under 21. Or, fight it, first day you go there, the cop will be there (most likely, you will remember him) if he is, tell them then you are fighting it and the date is rescheduled. If he isnt there, go in, get it thrown out.


Or when you go there, try to talk to the prosecutor about getting it reduced to a no points violation.


Or see if there is a class you can take to get rid of it.

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Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:

I am not going to try the extenstion trick, I would be working again by the time those dates rolled around. Despite this, if the officer does not appear, am I automatically off the hook??

Basically, my experience with this one is that it is "Dismissed without prejudice." Which is the same as see you later. But, how often does the cop miss? If you can find out from a lawyer that's able to talk to the judge, you can find that out. But, it's never a sure bet.
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i don't know about other places but we have to show at court so that doesn't work in all area's. if all else fails go in and plead no contest and ask to explain or plead not guilt and upon testifing state that you know you were doing like 70 or 71 to 72 mph and knew it was wrong but if you had thought you were doing 82 you would have slowed it down. most of the time the judge will fine you on the admission of guilt of going your stated speed not the radared speed. this is due to most know that factory cars are of up to 3 to 4 mph than the read and that changing tires ride height or width will throw them off a little more.

might help might not.

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Originally posted by GonneVille:

If that was here in Columbus, I'd say plead not guilty. I did it once and the cop never showed, as I understand is the norm in Franklin county.

On the other hand, I know nothing of Cleveland PD's policy, so I won't comment on it.

A lot of columbus cops give out B.S. tickets so they can get the overtime for going to court when people fight them
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Originally posted by GonneVille:

If that was here in Columbus, I'd say plead not guilty. I did it once and the cop never showed, as I understand is the norm in Franklin county.

On the other hand, I know nothing of Cleveland PD's policy, so I won't comment on it.

I know in Delaware, officers come in on their free time.
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Guest wigsite
I grew up in the Cleveland area and believe me, Lyndhurst is a speed trap. They own about a one mile stretch of I-71 and basically get their budget from tickets. The cop will be there!
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