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Got antifreeze in your rig?


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-34 is perfect for year round. Summer time you can run pure water if you want, dont recommend it though. Its not safe to run 100% antifreeze, but it sure as hell wont freeze. Im not sure exactly what will happen, it might overheat.


Run WaterWetter in there during summer

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Antifreeze is 100% ethylene glycol as far as i know, and coolant is antifreeze mixed with water.


The tester is called a hydrometer. We use them at work. A 50/50 solution has a freezing point of -34°F. If the mixture has a higher percentage of water, the freezing point will be higher. Pure water has a freezing point of 32°F. You can mix different percentages of antifreeze and water to prevent the system from freezing at different temperatures. 70AF/30water is way too much for ohio, it will never get that cold. 70water/30antifreeze will probably protect to around -20, -10 degrees which is kinda pushing it in ohio

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we have a dead 3.0 caravan at firestoen right now.. he brought it to us witht eh upper hose off, and icicles out the thermostat housing neck, and radiator. lifted it in the air and theres a 3" crack in the back of the block... please dont only use water!!!
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Actually 100% ethylene glycol will freeze, due to the crystaline structure that will form in it. It is the combined water ethylene glycol solution that will not freeze because the freezing point of the water is depressed.
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