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What kind of women do you like?? choices listed in post


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Guest mudbutt
I prefer average. Bigger is ok if they are curvy, not just a blob where breasts run into the gut and the ass is part of the lower thigh. Personality is a must. I prefer red or dark hair. My fiance is not exactly small, but she isnt fat either. She is beautiful to me and I can honestly say that any time. We can hold a conversation about anything, she supports my car habit and occationally helps out. On top of all that, the sex is great. I could never ask for anything more.
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Guest jpurdy2003

For short term fun, I prefer thick women. Unfortunately, 99% of white guys think that means fat women.


I'll spell out the differences here:


Thick women have greater-than-average chest (C or better), a lack of belly flab, and a butt as big as it can be without the presence of rolls, cheesecake, or other foolishness.


Fat women have excessive, disgusting breasts, a rolled, gross stomach, and ass and thighs that look like cottage cheese.


Take notes people.

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really short, or really tall. Have to have some substance to em, none of this "I have to go to the bathroom" right after she eats bullshit. The most attractive thing a woman can do is make me laugh, honestly. A girl I can hold a conversation with that isnt gorgeous is ten times hotter than a girl thats beautiful and stupid. Boobs really aren't that important to me, but beestings are unnacceptable. Eyes and ass are the first two things that I notice, Eyes should make me want to look at them all the time, and the ass should be grabbable. I always date brunettes, and fool around with blondes. Always have, probably always will.


and wickedpyroclown, it's called standards, man, Get some. I guess that's kindof hard to do when you Idolize two thirty-something virgins who paint their faces, wear multicolored jersies of no particular real sports team, and get punked repeatedly by eminem. Thanks for comin' out.

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Guest FBody Addict

huh, last time i checked i do have standards, i said i aint touchin fat chicks i meant curvy by saying large my girl friend is 4' 10" and 125lbs thats not fat, but it aint skinny, and isnt


goddamn, everyone seems to think i idolize icp,im not one of those kinds of juggalos, i dont own a single icp shirt, and like i have said multiple times, if you met me, you would never know i listen to them unless i told you i was a juggalo

i will be at jegs on broad saturday night for all those who feel like talking shit to me without wasting thier time typing you can say it to my face you shouldnt be scared to im a skinny little 5'9" 120lb whiteboy who cant fight for shit


we'll make it a hate on the whiteboy party, ill bring chips, could someone bring some beer?


i was right, i was gonna get flamed for that post


and by the way, eminem gets punked by them just as much as he punks them

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Eminem is an extremely wealthy and successful celebrity. The majority of people in this country Hate ICP, and they still live with their parents. Why the hell do you all have to call yourselves a name because you like the band? I like Dave matthews, but I dont have a nickname for it. Get an Identity.



Also, mods? I believe that was a personal threat. Three day?

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Guest FBody Addict

how is it a personal threat, i dont fight people, i may not give a fuck, but im not gonna screw up a meeting spot for everyone else by bringing cops there for assaulting someone seriously, keep that shit in the kitchen, but i will be there, and that would be a bullshit ban

im just saying, ill even handcuff myself to my chair if it makes you feel better, come on down, form a line, and talk shit, i dont care, it doesnt hurt me

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Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

yeah sorry about the graemlins/offtopic.gif but some people arent keeping things in the kitchen where they should be

could you explain the Faygo craze, i don't get that?



as for girls, i really don't like them shorter than me, only a coule girl i have dated were shorter. i like the 'model' build, about 5'10" with a nice little waist, long legs, flat belly and perky boobs...mmm mmmm mmmmm. oh, and blondes need not apply, never been attracted to the blondes, give me a dark haired beauty any day of the week.

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I go for the girl next door look... a chick that looks good is a pair of sweats but can look hot as hell when the need calls for it.... preferably bruinettes... and athletic build... other than that, no airheads...



damn, this whole thread sounds like someone is trying to start a dating service or something tongue.gif

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Gotta go with brunette, avg height is fine, can carry on a conversation, cute smile, pref. light eyes, has goals that don't involve what she's wanting to buy at the mall in the next two weeks:| Nice sized chest, c's or what not. Gotta have an ass. And yeah that's about it. Oh wait, and i LOVE long hair.



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