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You might be a REGULAR CR user if you......


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1. Leg humped some new girl that has come on the board.


2. Called Marc gay.


3. Go on CR at work


4. Flammed some Newb that thought he was the shit.


5. Watched Anthony switch his name 1000 times.


6. Drunk posted (like me right now)


7. Been a grammar NAZI to at least one member


8. Gotten pissed off at Geoff (Stealth Monkey) for something


9. Made some lame ass topic at least once ( ummm kinda like this one)

and so on and so on....


Sorry if its lame but I am drunk, tired and bored so i just thought i would start a list.


[ 13. May 2005, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: Venom ]

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Me + graemlins/lurk.gif =


Originally posted by Venom:

1. Leg humped some new girl that has come on the board.


7. Been a grammer NAZI to at least one member

Originally posted by GSRchick714:

Shoulda tryed to find a TII


Originally posted by Venom:

Just the fact that she even knew that is really cool. Even though she spelled "tried" wrong its all good.


[ 13. May 2005, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: martindc1 ]

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Originally posted by Wease:

13. If you thought Nitrousbird was the biggest, most ignorant, mullet wearing, F-Body driving Redneck in Ohio...


Until you met him... ;)

14. You realize he only plays one on the internet. :D
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