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Has your street been plowed yet?


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Yeah, they plowed everything from Broad to Waggoner and finally my neighborhood. Unfortunately, I haven't had power since 2am on Thursday. My dad's block (and Mr.2 for that fact) are one of the few blocks on this side of town with power, so we're over here since the house dropped to about 40* and we needed to take the kids somewhere :rolleyes:


Chris, answer your phone. I tried to call you several times yesterday and check on things tongue.gif

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i have had a plowed street since eariler yesterday. I have seen a plow on my street a least 5 times. I got up yesterday and shoveled the driveway and after I was done the plow came through again and left these huge ice boulders. I would say my subdivsion looks better than any other street I have driven on including sawmill. On our way home from applebees's last night a chick in an explorer went sideways in front of me. I am suprised the roads as still as crappy as they are.
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When I left columbus at 3:30 thursday, Sawmill was about as clear as it could be, hard road wasn't bad at all, but my apartment complex was shitty. I had a bit of trouble getting out, but nothing can stop me :D


The only thing in marietta covered in snow right now is my truck, and it's melting tongue.gif

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I live on the edge of Delaware County just above 270. I doubt that my street will be plowed before all the snow melts. We are so far down on the priority list that the snow needs to stay for about 5 days before we ever see a plow. My tax dollars at work!



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Mine was plowed but it didn't really help since the plow just skimmed over all the ice and shit, theres a huge snow pile right in the middle of the street its going to suck when I get my car out of the driveway.
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I emailed the city...see below.....



Per the city's snow plan, the first priority is to clear all primary

streets. We then move onto the high-volume residential streets, and if

needed the residential side streets. As of the afternoon of December 24,

2004, all available crews have been working on clearing primary streets.

This afternoon, we are starting to send crews onto high-volume residential

streets. Under ideal conditions, this phase of service typically takes

about 12 hours of uninterrupted service, however things are moving slow

because of the ice and extreme cold temperatures. Once we move onto

residential side streets, we could typically service those streets in about

36 hours, but again things are moving slow. We currently don't know when we

will be moving to the next phase of service.


Rick Eichorn

Customer Service Supervisor

City of Columbus

Transportation Division


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Originally posted by BC:

I emailed the city...see below.....



Per the city's snow plan, we'll get around to your street sometime after we've cleared those of the upper income areas.


This afternoon, we are starting to send crews onto high-end residential streets. Under ideal conditions, this phase of service typically takes about 12 hours of uninterrupted service, however things are moving slow because of the ice, extreme cold temperatures, and our lack of preparation in the budget, leading to the elimination of overtime for plow drivers.


Please make sure that all of the driveways on your street have been shoveled. We will then procede to plow your street so that each driveway will be blocked by a two foot high mound of razor sharp ice.



Once we move onto residential side streets, we could typically service those streets in about

36 hours, but again things are moving slow. We currently don't care when we will be moving to the next phase of service.


Rick Eichorn

Customer Service Supervisor

City of Columbus

Transportation Division


Fixed so you know what he was REALLY saying.
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