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Can I legally get away w/ doing this


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I ain't saying that this is a thing that we should all do to our neighbors as a joke. But when there is nothing else that can be done, then these are things that can assist in giving your neighbors something else to be concerned with. And there are other things that can be done that are less extreem, buying them a dog then complaining about it barking to the cops all *** time. Hiring strippers for their kids birthday parties, putting shovel fulls of cowshit in their yard is a fun one too. Cuz you ain't gonna be the one to clean that one up.


I have been known to suggest laser window bugs, scanners for cordless phone conversations, and even getting them linked to the communist party. Another quick and easy one is to write their name and address on as many of those "Win a Trip to the Bahammas" things it the Chineese restraunts, these are nothing more than you signing up for junk mail. And there is ALOT of mailing lists that someone could be put on. Hell I have heard tail of people getting a small bag of mail every day for months untill it they can get themselves off the mailing lists. ANd it's all more or less legal and at most it's a pain in the ass to them, but it gets them paying attention to other things. Another good one is queer magazines, if it's a guy giving you hell, subscribe him to Blue Boy or some other fag rag, same thing goes for her. Figure out which one gets the mail and do it to the other one. Here again, it's gonna cost you, but listening to them fight about it, and calling the cops on them for disturbing the peace/domestic violence is typically worth the effort, only thing, if they got kids, don't be doing things to ruin the marriage, it's not fair to the kids but if there are no kids, go for it.


This all of course is for entertainment only, and really doing things to people like this would be morally wrong, and make you an asshole. These are not suggestions of things to do but rather just something funny to think about doing, you can think about it, just don't do it. :D

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Originally posted by ronald-reagan:

i had no idea that things got this bad...do people actually do this because they feel like their neighbors parking a boat on their side yard is going to decrease property values of the neighborhood or something??? these people need jobs or drugs or something. stuff similar to this happens out here in beechwood trails in pataskala, but def not to this extent...i would hire some punk ass high school kids in the neighborhood to come over and TP/light shit on fire/f some stuff up in her yard...i mean if she tries to prove that you did it, well you didnt do it...

2 Years ago I had a small barbecue. Invited a few boat friends. Cheapest boat there was about 40k. Most expensive was well past the 150k mark. 5 people over, we got a letter for it. As if having over half a million dollars of vehicles in front of the house will bring the property value down.
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AH good old reynoldsburg Zoning code


No gravel driveways in the city limits unless its existing or temporary during new construction


the loophole is there though you can't have the boat in the front or side yard, now if you can get it into the back yard and you cover it with a tarp there is absolutley nothing they can do about it.


don't start a pissing match with bored neighbors we tried that and ending up with the fucking zoning guy over here every other day for awhile try talking to your neighbors maybe invite them over sometime you'll find if you get along with them ok they may decide to call you first for a loud car instead of the cops.


if you don't want to make friends with the nieghbors


the easiest parking solution is pavers or poured concrete I don't remember weather you own or rent if you own just make a little driveway extension you will have to go to the building department and get a permit but you shouldn't have more than 300-400 bucks in the whole job if you do it yourself. I have all the tools and floats to finish concrete if you decide to go that route your more than welcome to borrow them and/or me to help with the job


Good luck

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by I.F.H.A.P.:

Read my signature and pm me if you want cruel shit done without you being involved pm for any help needed.



A year on this campus has transformed me into a cruel prank warrior. I'm at your disposal, and an added plus is that I'll be two area codes away in two weeks.

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Guest nevarmore

Being nice might actually work.


"Hey I know you guys pay a lot of attention to my boat, want to come out to the lake with me tomorrow and see if you like it more on the water than in my yard."


You have two options then, be nice or point out that you are at the helm and they can either shut up about your boat or swim back to shore.

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Do they have anything against gravel as mulch? I've seen it done. A house on Harlem Rd has that. What I would do is make a gravel drive to the backyard, and put the boat back there with a tarp on it. Problem solved smile.gif
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I would take it as a personal invitation to pour a concrete slab the size of my entire yard, sell my lawn mower, and buy a fleet of jet skis to cover the slab. You can even let her kids use their sidewalk chalk to draw pictures on your big driveway. graemlins/thumb.gif
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Making up with the bitch and being nice is far gone now. FFAARRR gone.


Back yard is a no go. It would be almost impossible to get my boat back there, and if I did squeeze it back there (which would have to be on the opposite side of her house), it would be too much of a pain to do, and I'd end up tearing up the yard of the neighbor I get along with = not cool.


Trying to get her for violations......well, I don't want to start that war; I'm positive I could be nailed for far more than I could scrounge up on her, unless I started forcing violations upon her. I'm not looking for a neighbor war either, just to park my boat. I leave people alone and just want to be left the fawk alone.


I guess I can try the little concrete lay down slabs, and see if I get away with that. I just wish the zoning was written so you knew WTF they really allow. The way my driveway is setup, I can't simply add an extension to the existing driveway; the side near my driveway is the easement (and also not big enough for the boat), and where I'd want to park it would have to be a totally seperate driveway = expensive. I'll suppose I'll try the slabs first and go from there, though I guarantee the bitch will call zoning again.

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Originally posted by StreetlightJr:

Bored houseiwfe, eh? Give her the Deacon, that might shut her up graemlins/thumb.gif



Anyway...I think you'll be stretching it a bit, but I would try that route. Inexpensive, so what do you have to lose? If works, then you will have saved much time and/or $$$.

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