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Can I legally get away w/ doing this


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I have a BITCH of a neighbor, who can't mind her own business. She likes to call the cops for noisey cars during the day, and crap like that. No reving, burnout, or dangerous driving....just loud cars idling before leaving.


Anyway, I tried parking my boat in my yard next to my house when I first moved in. It didn't look ghetto, wasn't overly noticable, and her house doesn't even have side windows. Well, the dumb broad (read: bored house wife that has to have something to bitch about) called the zoning people, who made me move it. I asked the guy if I could lay down gravel, and he said no, has to be on cement. Nothing more was said beyond that.


Well, I'm about to bring my boat back from where I store in during the winter, and really don't want to park it in the driveway again. I couldn't find much in the Reynoldsburg code about this, and what I found was vague. Here is the site I went to: http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll?f=templates&fn=default.htm&vid=alp:reynoldsburg_oh


Here is the only thing I could find about it:


(a) No automobile, motorcycle or other motor vehicle or trailer shall be parked or remain on any nonparking or nondriveway portion of the front yard of any residential or multi-family zoned lot. All vehicles parked in parking areas or driveways shall bear the current registration or license plates as required by the Ohio Revised Code.


(b) This section shall not apply during times of emergency due to acts of nature; or during the time that a resident is in the process of moving in or out of the premises.


© Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a traffic violation of the minor degree. "


What if I took a few of those concrete pads they make for walkways, laid them down, and parks the wheels of the trailer on those?? It's not "on the lawn" and in what I made into a "parking area." Think I can get away with this?? I don't mind pissing the lady off, as long as I can get away with it.

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Guest crankwalk
well if reynoldsburg is anything like grove city is they will make u move it again -- my dad put down those slabs like u are talkin about so he didnt have to concrete the whole thing -- well somebody called and the police came out and made him move the damn thing again -- so now he is going to be extending the driveway up the side of the house
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Guest 10secondMouse
That is a bullshit rule, but it's still a rule. I know of someone who did the same thing in Pickerington. Except he poured some quik-crete in 2'x2' sections to park his boat on. The zoning comittee was fine with it, but the one neighbor still bitched and I don't know what the final outcome was.
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I had a neighbor like that. We had a roof that needed some repairs and she called the city and the city gave us 30 days to come up with $3,000 to fix the roof. :mad:


Also had a car parked out on the street that wasn't driven much and I guess you can't leave it on the same spot for over 24 hours. The b*tch called the city and they towed it. :mad:

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Look at her house every single day and find shit to call the city/cops about. Give that bitch a dose of her own medicine.


Fell for ya, bad neighbors suck a big one.


Sorry, but not too much of a legal expert or had any experience with this. My guess would be it would almost be up to the discretion of whoever came out and looked at it. You might get a cool person the first time that says it's all right, but then she calls them again in two weeks (if that) and you get captain hard ass at your house giving you a ticket.


How far away is the storage place where you keep your boat, or if you keep it at a friends or something, is there a storage place you could keep it near your house for the summer so it's close when you want to use it?

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Originally posted by Neo Pee:

How far away is the storage place where you keep your boat, or if you keep it at a friends or something, is there a storage place you could keep it near your house for the summer so it's close when you want to use it?

I store it in my grandma's barn an hour and a half from here.


I don't have the budget to pay for storage, so it will go in my driveway before I do that.


Alex, the parking rule on the street is 48 hours. All cars parked on the street (or in a front of the house driveway, or "designated parking area" must also be currently tagged. I'm technically breaking that rule, since my totalled Blazer is no longer tagged and sitting in the driveway. Normally you'll have a cop leave a window sticker to move it, otherwise they will tow it. Had someone do that to my roomate's broken Accord when he had it too. :rolleyes:

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wtf, good thing they don't do that shit in bainberry, cause people have beaters or other cars they have that they don't drive every two days, man the city is fucked up, but i guess it has to be done to keep johnny redneck from starting a parts store in his front yard


i agree with trying to find shit wrong with her house

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bake her a cake.


No joke, itd be a lot harder for her to be super sluth neighborhood watch dog on her nice, friendly, young neighbors next door.


Shes just looking for attention since her husband stoped giving her the cack and the bottle stopped filling the void, so to speak.


If you were to chat with her once in a while (or your wife) I would bet that her antics would stop.


/former resident of AngryBoredHousewivesVille.

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i would agree with ken. but being from reynoldshellburg i also had the same problem with my boat i did the concrete pad thing to it falls into some improve surface deal. the zoneing board inspecter told me this trick, he was tired of arguing with me about the boat problem.
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Guest lustful
honestly... do people have nothing better to do but look at your neighbors problems and say oh my they did this that and XYZ... what the ghey batman. i mean seriously get a friggin life. i like not having any neighbors for two miles... do WTFever i want when i want how i want... and nobody gives two shits about it... tell her to STFU and get a life
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Guest nevarmore

I would try the cement parking things. A minor traffic violation can't be that bad.


Leave a few tools lying around on the deck, say you're working on it to get it ready for the boating season. Better yet go out and 'work' on the trailer and say you're waiting on a part for it to come in. If the trailer is busted, them making you move it would be a greater danger than a boat parked in your yard.

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neighbors are gay.


back at my parents house we had a trampoline, well i move the mother fucker to our sideyard for 15 MINUTES so i could mow the fucking lawn. we got a letter within a week saying "its against the aesthetics of claiborne to have it in the sideyard"


claiborne is the subdivision...my parents vowed never to live in a subdivision again, as a result of this my mom wants a house outin the desert in Arizona, lol.

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Guest ronald-reagan
i had no idea that things got this bad...do people actually do this because they feel like their neighbors parking a boat on their side yard is going to decrease property values of the neighborhood or something??? these people need jobs or drugs or something. stuff similar to this happens out here in beechwood trails in pataskala, but def not to this extent...i would hire some punk ass high school kids in the neighborhood to come over and TP/light shit on fire/f some stuff up in her yard...i mean if she tries to prove that you did it, well you didnt do it...
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I have a BITCH of a neighbor, who can't mind her own business. She likes to call the cops for noisey cars during the day, and crap like that. No reving, burnout, or dangerous driving....just loud cars idling before leaving.


Anyway, I tried parking my boat in my yard next to my house when I first moved in. It didn't look ghetto, wasn't overly noticable, and her house doesn't even have side windows. Well, the dumb broad (read: bored house wife that has to have something to bitch about) called the zoning people, who made me move it. I asked the guy if I could lay down gravel, and he said no, has to be on cement. Nothing more was said beyond that.


Well, I'm about to bring my boat back from where I store in during the winter, and really don't want to park it in the driveway again. I couldn't find much in the Reynoldsburg code about this, and what I found was vague. Here is the site I went to: http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll?f=templates&fn=default.htm&vid=alp:reynoldsburg_oh


Here is the only thing I could find about it:


(a) No automobile, motorcycle or other motor vehicle or trailer shall be parked or remain on any nonparking or nondriveway portion of the front yard of any residential or multi-family zoned lot. All vehicles parked in parking areas or driveways shall bear the current registration or license plates as required by the Ohio Revised Code.


(b) This section shall not apply during times of emergency due to acts of nature; or during the time that a resident is in the process of moving in or out of the premises.


© Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a traffic violation of the minor degree. "


What if I took a few of those concrete pads they make for walkways, laid them down, and parks the wheels of the trailer on those?? It's not "on the lawn" and in what I made into a "parking area." Think I can get away with this?? I don't mind pissing the lady off, as long as I can get away with it.

Well two things that stand out in the code. Look at section "a", it only states "of the front yard". Does not say anything about side or back of a resident.


Second thing. Look to see how nondrive way is defined? Is there anything that states stone is nondriveway or non parking? Are you in a development where all the driveways have to be concrete?

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I used to live in a "development" that went as far to fine you for ridiculous things. Obviously my parents didn’t pay the $20 fine for having "Excessive dandelions in tree lawn" and the association knew they didn’t have a leg to stand on in court.


When it came time for "dues" my parents declined membership and appalled the snotty little community.


Life lesson: Most people are boring/bored. They will find any trivial drama to latch onto, any club or association to be a part of to validate their own existence. Doing so adds some sort of meaning or purpose to their otherwise mundane, purposeless existence. No joke. This is the root of petty office drama, trivial family drama, and of course… the problem at hand.

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Screw all that! Buddy up with her husband, quietly find out if she has a brother but not from him or her. If not, or if he don't, catch him some day coming home, before he gets into the house. Tell him that you met his brother, or her brother today, seemed like a real nice guy, was over there a better part of the day. And that you had seen him several times over there and it must be nice that the brother is coming over to take care of the plumbing or some shit saving him some money. Now of course if she ain't got a brother, and you identify the guy that's been over there several times as her brother she will have some explaining to do. Other thing to do is to send her flowers from either anonamous or a friend or some shit like that. And have them delivered while her husband is home. This will generate her more problems. Yes, it takes time to do, yes it will cost you a bit of money, always remember any gifts, walk in and pay cash, leaving no idenity trail. This will give her better things to do, like pack and leave! These are last resort things to do to someone, and if you are caught, it can get ugly cuz remember that it's your neighbors that you will be dealing with. But if kept on the down low, it should be worth a few laughs. And when the fight starts, call the cops and tell em the guy is beating the hell out of the woman, then call the new stations and tell them there is some sort of shit going on and you think you heard gun shots. That will get the news vans out in short order. Then sit back, grab a beer and enjoy yourself.
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