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Who will carry Ohio?

Guest jpurdy2003

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Guest jpurdy2003

I'm creating this thread because I'm curious as to who you think will carry Ohio: Bush or Kerry. This thread is not to discuss who you want to win. I'd like to hear everyone's predictions on who you think will win, why, and by how much. I politely request that the mods keep this on the topic that I have set forth.


Let's hear it.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Akula:

In before the lock!

I don't see why, as this thread (hopefully) won't involve any partisan bickering, but instead involve analysis of who's "playing the game" better.
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Since you asked why. This thread will have to be politically charged as many of the members of this forum are quite opinionated and passionate about their beliefs. It can only be bad.


I personally think that Bush will pull Ohio just based on the fact that many people in Ohio are republican and would prefer to have the terrorists dealing with those the US has hired to defend this great nation. Rather than having the terrorists here dealing with our citizens.

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Based on poll data the state will be carried by Bush as of last week. That is not to say that with all of the increased registration that new polls will reflect something different. Because Ohio reflects the nation as a whole based on demography that is why Presidents who win carry Ohio.
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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by THE_BITCH_OF_FURY:

you know, no one have ever won office without winning ohio

Actually, no Republican has ever won office without winning Ohio.
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Guest Yellow4.6

Bush.....and bush did win OH in 2000.


I heard today that Kerry is starting a fund to help pay for a recount after the polls have closed.


He know's he's already lost.

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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by Yellow4.6:

Bush.....and bush did win OH in 2000.

Yes he did, but not by a huge margin:


2000 Election Results




Bush 2,351,209


Gore 2,186,190


Nader 117,857

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