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Signature pictures are out of control. Fix yours!


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Just a reminder, your signature picture should be no larger than 500x500. No, that doesn't mean you can have one that is 800x200 because it's total 500x500.


The grand total of all of the pictures in your signature should be no more than 500 pixels on the X and the Y axis.


Everyone on CR has 24 hours to fix them. After 3PM tomorrow, June 1st, I will start editing your signatures out and locking your ability to have anything in there. You will then have to PM myself, Alex, or Anthony with a reasonable explanation on why you cannot follow the rules and we'll decide if you get the privilege back.


This has been said again and again, and we're getting tired of having to constantly warn people. This policy is in place for those of us less fortunate to have high-speed access - and a significant majority of the browsers still run 640x480 (I know, I can't believe it either).


Please follow the rules, or we'll be forced to act.


Thanks. smile.gif


<font size="1">(*Note that only one person is excluded from this, Anthony, because he's an asshole and it's his board. Just because he has a bigger sig pic does not give you permission to break the rules. Do as we say, not as we do.)</font>

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