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Love your life

Chad is Dead

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Please dont lock this thread. This is a thread to make people feel good. Everyone who read this just think about how much good shit you have going on in your life. Think about everyone you love and everyone that loves you. Someone has a life worse then you. Sit back, smile, and dont worry about a damn thing. Just have a good day!!!
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Word. A buddy once told me "From the cradle to the Hurse, nothings so bad as it can't get worse."


Truth is that we have our health and someone that cares for us, a parent, a wife/GF or someone. Hell if nothing else we have each other here on the board. It could be worse by far.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

All your cars suck. That makes me happy.

Your car officially sucks until it looks like the one in your sig... not really but that thing is sexy as fuck. Are you going to lower yours (the one in the pic looks lowered)? Don't blame you if you're not going to with Columbus roads, just wondering.


I found when I was younger that if you’re unhappy it's probably because you dwell on your unhappiness.

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