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WTC..9-11. where were you?


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I was a junior in high school..

I had no clue what was going on untill i came home from pretending to be sick..which was around 930? I came home and remember opening the refrigerator and seeing a building on fire, and thinking Wtf? oh well. Then I realized what had happen and i was in total shock. I went to mcdonalds to get breakfast for my mom and i, and put on howard stern and they were talking about it...Minutes later, they announced that a second plane had hit the other tower.

I went to ground zero in February of 03, and could not believe what i saw.


With me being a fireman, it holds a special place in my heart. I went to Newark fire department to do ride time when i was in the academy, and they had a list of every fireman that died in the towers. It had what engine and company they were assigned too..it was very sad to see it.


The fireman that died that tragic day were heavily trained, and conditioned. They had their SCBA's which weighed 15-30 lbs, plus there high rise packs that weighed updwards of 45 lbs. I can only imagine what they went through.

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I was sitting in homeroom at GHHS when one of the attendence people came in and said he thought that he heard about a Plane hitting the World Trade Centers. To be honest at the time I had no idea what or where they were. I remember going into the room next to us with about 2 dozen people crammed around one little television I pushed my way to the front just in time to see the second plane hit. My jaw just dropped. I felt queezy and what not. I was trying to figure out why and wtf was going on. Then the bell rang to go to our next class but nobody really did move. We were all glued onto the picture of the WTC's. I eventually ran to my next class turned on the TV and watched more. It was to hard to concentrate on school work. Before I knew it the next school bell rang. I went to Economics, and the dumb bitch wouldn't let us watch it! She said we had more important things to do! I remember the whole class being really pissed off about it, she was acting like this wasn't some big deal. I just walked out of her classroom and went back to another one of my teachers rooms just in time to see the first tower collapse. I remember thinking 'Jesus Christ, is this really happening?' Then time kind of intertwined with itself and I remember seeing the second tower falling. Then I remember being home with my family just praying. It's still so fresh in my memory. By far the most haunting thing I have ever seen and ever intend to see. I think it was the first thing that I ever really cried about, I'm usually really into morbid things. But this was just all too real feeling. My dad I guess knew somebody who died in the WTC so it hit him really hard. RIP; NEVER FORGET
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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

I awoke and started to watch ESPN to see if Ed Mccaffery a WR for the Broncos was ok after a very bad injury the night before on monday night football and they broke in and said they would like to acknowledge the trajedy that is happening in the US I then switched channels to see that our country would be changed forever

When Mccaffery broke his leg! I remember we were talking about that when we heard the news
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I was at work here in Johnstown, the lady in the office next to me had her radio on and heard it and told me about it. I thought that it was either a sick prank or some War of The Worlds shit. I figured at best that it was a small plane that got screwed up in the clouds and hit the building, which does happen. I tought it was something like the B29 that had hit the Empire State Building right after it was built. Then I heard that the second plane hit, and I began to wonder if it was real, went over to the apartments and turned on the TV. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, still not realizing that we were under attack, then the plane hit the Pentagon, and I knew.


I can't say really how I felt at first, it was wierd, there was alot that went through my mind, then the idea that someone that had something to do with this, that may have planned this was still alive and somewhere. That's when the anger sat in, then the rage. Then the really bad thoughts, as the towers fell. Things I thought are not open for discussion. All I will say is this, I was going through a pretty dark time at that point in my life. And the thoughts that I had about what I would do to anyone that had anything to do with it, bother me even now, because as horribly as the people died in the towers, it was nothing compared to the way I wanted bring about the ends of the people responsible for it.


As far as Osama, bring me him, a medical team, a ball bat and plenty of blood. I WILL beat him for days, the medical team is just there to revive him after I beat him to death so I can beat him to death again, and again, and again. And after several days of this, I will set his head on a post, facing the holes in the ground where the towers once stood. The rest of him, cut up in pieces, and fed to hogs. While the camara's are rolling. To be played on the 6 oclock news for all to see, and so people will know the cost of attacking us.

Sorry if this sounds a bit disturbing, but it's how I feel.

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I remember everything that happened that day down to what I ate for lunch. I'll just write a brief bit so I don't fill the page with a long ass post...


I was sitting in my 11th grade Humanities class at CAHS. Principal came on the PA saying that the trade towers had been hit by planes and that one had collapsed. We turned on the radio and listened to Howard Stern's first completely unperverted broadcast ever.


Then I went to Jazz band at 10:14 and the TV was on CNN. We watched the second tower come down live on TV. When lunch came around, my friends and I sat out in the courtyard. No one talked. Even the lunch room was dead silent. I ended up just getting in my car and leaving school 2 hours early to be with my family.


Later that day I drove around (my favorite thing to do to clear my head) and headed down to Port Columbus. That was the eeriest feeling, being at Port Columbus at 5 pm and there being nothing but silence...

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I believe I was in my sophomore year of high school, 3rd or 4th period history class and it ended and as usual me and a friend went over to another room to see friends and they had the TV on in there on news, and yup. Thats about when it started quickly spreading out through the school and everyone was pretty much (teachers weren't even caring) watching TV for a while after.
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Guest JoesGirlfriend

It was my senior year in high school and I was in study hall and there was a rumor going around that a plane crashed into the world trade center. At first I thought it was a terrible accident. We turned on the TV in the classroom to watch it and heard all about the plane in PA and at the Pentagon. I watched on live TV the second plane hit while I was in choir class. Since it was an all girls choir, pretty much everyone was crying. I dont think I did any real schoolwork that day, we watched TV in every class. I remember watching the news later that night with my mom and they were talking about how extensive the damage was in NY.


I visited NYC the following May for Memorial day and there was just a big hole where the WTC used to be. There was a big wall around it that was COVERED with flowers, letters, etc. for all the people who died. There was also a Chinese woman sitting next to the wall making paper doves for every person that died and putting them on the wall. It was probably one of the most amazing things I ever saw.

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Guest blueSEchic
I was in my senior year of high school walking from English to Algebra, we turned on the t.v. right after the 2nd plane hit. We all prayed that they would let us go home early, they didn't.
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Guest FBody Addict

senior year of high school, passed out in mr page's pre cal class, (still stoned from morning joint) woke up to somone yelling we're going to war, the tv was on, saw second plane hit. BAM stoned to sober in .0000000003 seconds never smoked before school or at lunch for the rest of the year, or much at all after that

i know it seems off topic, but its because of that, i want to be ready for anything and clear headed

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I was working at one or our offices in the upper east side of Manhattan. It's right across the street from the Palestinian Embassy and since we all knew it was a terrorist attack, Palestinians were immediate suspects. The city sent about 60 cops down there to close the street and protect the embassy. I was one of the only people on the street, making phone calls to family back here in Columbus to tell them I was ok. Got stuck there for three days and had to catch a train to Hartford CT to get a rental car to drive home.


That city was absolutely crazy for those three days.

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It was my junior year of high school, I was sitting in my AP US History when the schools ROTC instructor came in and told my teacher what was going on. He turned on the tv and we watched it for the rest of the class. My teacher used to be in the army and the NSA as soon as he saw what it was he said it was a terrorist attack. I will never forget that day, i got sick to my stomach because of it. For the two days after that all we did in that class was talk about what happened.
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