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so just got back from the ER....


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i've had an ear infection for a few days now, i had them when i was a kid so i didn't think anything of it, had an appointment with my doctor for saturday morning....


well i took a shower and was sitting at my computer...and blood starts comming out of my ear, awesome. actually it didn't hurt, it felt good, it relieved all the pressure smile.gif .



went to CVS b/c i called my mom (with the other ear) and asked her what to do, she said go to CVS and ask them what u can take till ur doctor sees u on saturday. the chick says "uhh u should go to the ER"


so i did, spend like 3 hrs there and it sucked i only saw the doctor like 5 mins.


how many of you have had an exploded ear drum? does your hearing come back?


sorry for the grammar and shit, i'm no some serious meds, not really a priority now :-p

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the bodies membranes are fickle bitches, and the tympanic membrane is the smallest and most taught of them all. They can heal and regenerate. Perforations that result from infections, as when a tympanic membrane bursts, or when chronic infections have led to irreparable damage to the membrane itself, often do not heal. But if you just poked a hole in it with a Q tip or by some other trauma, your chances are better.

So the question is HOW did you pop your drum, man?


also, bleeding from the ear needs medical attention period. With pain, no pain, headache, lightheadedness, euforia, etc etc, doesn't matter, all bad. Blood in the ear is a big ol "check engine" light for your head.

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I used to have the same problems with my right ear. Then in junior high it got worse, 8th grade I lost all hearing in m right ear. It used to drain itself everyday, I would have to keep cotton in my ear a bunch.


Turns ou I had a busted ear drum, and a sis growing behind it. Had to have my ear drum reconstructed, a piece of my skull bhind my ear is gone now. 3 1/2 hour surgery, there was a 50/50 chance I would hear again. 2 years after the surgery, my hearing kicked in.


Do not put this off! Get it looked at, you dont even want to hear the rest of my story, lol


Anyhow, there is a very good ear doctor in Zanesville named Jack Booth, thats who I would reccomend.

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that is wild..


my g/f thinks it's funny to stick her finger in my ear.. freaks the crap outta me! I've heard one too many horror stories about exploding ear drums. You'll have to keep us posted on how this comes along. I've always been told they heal back..

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