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Do you have this font installed on your PC?


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"trebuchet MS"


Can you please look on your PC and tell me if you have this font pre-installed?


I'd really like to hear from those of you that do not have Microsoft Word or any photo editing software installed, and MAC and Linux users, but I appreciate all of your input.


Thanks. smile.gif

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I want to use this font for a website that I am coding. I am concerned that it is a font which only comes with Word or other software packages, and is a Microsoft exclusive font.


Trying to see how popular it is. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Browning:

what program you using? Im sure you can find it somewhere.

I already have it. I want to see how popular it is out there in the world.
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i ahve 2099 fonts.. plus your basic fonts you get wiht win xp.. hit me up on AIM or sumthing and ill send them to you.. cost me $10 for the lot of fonts.. its a huge file. but there are a ton of fonts.. and really cool ones to boot
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Guest stvbreal

Trubechet MS is a TrueType font installed by Windows. But it looks like it was not introduced untill Win2k.


This link may help.




I understand what you are talking about though. If you use a font on your site that others do not have in their Font folder they will se a different font. You can have them download it. Have a download prompt appear when they get to your site.


You should be OK though with this font. I would think most peopole are using 2K or XP.

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