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I'm gona fite you!

Trouble Maker

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What's up with all of the teenage angst from some of you guys lately? It's pretty stupid, and about some pretty menial shit. Grow up and let shit slide every once in a while. I think I'm the same age, if not younger than most of you that I'm talking to and I can still say that.


It's warm out, if you are really that mad at life get out and work some of that negative energy off. I ran two miles yesterday and will be running at least that much sometime tomorrow. Anyone can come if they want. I'll bet you that after you do that you aren't going to be nearly as worried about someone talking shit about you on the internet.

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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

What's up with all of the teenage angst from some of you guys lately? It's pretty stupid, and about some pretty menial shit. Grow up and let shit slide every once in a while. I think I'm the same age, if not younger than most of you that I'm talking to and I can still say that.


It's warm out, if you are really that mad at life get out and work some of that negative energy off. I ran two miles yesterday and will be running at least that much sometime tomorrow. Anyone can come if they want. I'll bet you that after you do that you aren't going to be nearly as worried about someone talking shit about you on the internet.

Bring it pussy!!!!!!!!!!! tongue.gif

(edit this is Brandon)

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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

Bring it pussy!!!!!!!!!!! tongue.gif

(edit this is Brandon)

It'll take me a little while to get up to your distances and pace probably. But if you feel like hanging a little back we can run sometime soon. Just PM me with your #, I think I have it, I'm just not sure if it's you or not. It just says Brandon in my phone, I'm just not sure if that was you or someone else as I haven't used the # in forever.


I felt better than I've ever felt when I ran yesterday and I'm going to start seriously training to do one of those sprint triathlons this summer. It would be great to have someone to run with every once in a while.


What pace do you usually run at? I have no idea what I'm running at right now but I'd guess slow. Maybe 9:xx miles. I need to start timing myself just so I can get a baseline to improve off of.


Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

I'll bet you that after you do that you aren't going to be nearly as worried about someone talking shit about you on the internet.

I forgot to exclude Brandon and anyone else that takes roids. :D
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I run 6 minutes right now, and pre tris' I do mid to high 5 minutes. I actully like riding better, cause it dosent inflame my knees. But ya man if you want I run at alum 90% of the time, your more then welcome to get droped ;) .


Dude who cares if i take roids, they work dont they ;) .


(This is Brandon again...)

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I will tell everyone what. There has NEVER been a physical confrontation at a CR meet because of something said on the board, going on four years now.


I plan on keeping it that way and will involve the cops if needed. In addition, the people involved will receive a permanent ban.


I will go out of my way to protect/assist friends of mine, but I'd really prefer not having to to begin with.

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Originally posted by Clint Eastwood:

The hypcocricy/pussyness is strong in this thread.

ricky, is there something youd like to say?


and if you could please, spell it correctly, since you can wait to jump brandons shit for that.

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Originally posted by Orion:

ricky, is there something youd like to say?


and if you could please, spell it correctly, since you can wait to jump brandons shit for that.

I just said what I wanted to say.

I know of at least one person in this thread that has threatened someone via this message board.


I'd be worried about spelling correctly if I were calling someone stupid. I'm not, and I don't care. smile.gif

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I agree too Jesse. Saying you're going to "say it" to someone's face is not tough or cool, it just increases your odds of getting punched in the face graemlins/slap.gif Trust me, in the 3 and a half years since this board has existed, I used to see some of the shit people say and couldn't wait to see them in person. 99% of the shit talking on here is an alter ego, not the real thing.


Another issue I would like to add to this topic is: Stop defending friends who make an ass of themselves. Either ask them to shut up, or let them continue to look like the asses they are. I have friends who are assholes or smartasses, and there's nothing I can do about it.


If you don't know which of your friends is an asshole, it's probably you.





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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

I will tell everyone what. There has NEVER been a physical confrontation at a CR meet because of something said on the board, going on four years now.


I plan on keeping it that way and will involve the cops if needed. In addition, the people involved will receive a permanent ban.


I will go out of my way to protect/assist friends of mine, but I'd really prefer not having to to begin with.

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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

Like when Eli runs his mouth to people claiming he's "gonna punch Ricky in the face" last Saturday night :rolleyes:

At least you stick up for your "friends" after they help you out, seems only fitting. :rolleyes:


[ 16. May 2005, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Mr. Wright ]

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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

Like when Eli runs his mouth to people claiming he's "gonna punch Ricky in the face" last Saturday night :rolleyes:

Or like when Anthony posts something in a thread that's supposed to make people think about how dumb what they are doing is to try and instigate more problems. The fact is you claim to not want any violence, but you really haven't done anything but post things to instigate the recent situations because you feel you need to defend yourself or others.


Sounds like you need to grow up too.


Eli, you need to chill too.


I'm not trying to pick on you two. You just happened to be the two that posted more shit in this (my) thread.


If everyone could just drop this shit for a day or two, and not feel like they need to pound their chest it would be long forgotten history; something that everyone will joke about at Hooters next weekend because it happened so long ago.


I'm good friends with people on both sides of this shit. I was really close to calling a few people last week and telling them needed to drop this shit. I thought this post was good enough, but I guess it wasn’t. Does this resound well enough? It's childish and I'm going to be genuinely pissed at a few of my friends if this shit goes ANY farther and will probably not talk to them for a long time. I really don't want that to happen so could we please just drop the SPS for a few days?


Originally posted by 151:

Dude, you know I was kidding... Shoulda posted: graemlins/lol.gif

Jon, yeah I knew you were kidding! That's why I posted "...unless we are talking about drunken head butting. If so, then I own you." I guess I should have posted graemlins/lol.gif so you knew I was joking too....

... that is unless you want to get into a drunken head butting contest. If so, then I own you. tongue.gif

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