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Woman puts todler out along side the road.


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Listening to the radio this morning, some woman stopped her car and pushed her todler out of the car then drove away. She drove 100 miles before getting into an accident and being assested by police. Went the folks that found the child beside the road ask the child what he was doing there he said that he made his mommy mad and she pushed him out of the car. It was stated in the story that the child received minor inguries, most likely from falling down as he was trying to climb back into the car as his mother drove off.




That bitch has so fucking little love in her heart that she would abandon her child along side a freeway. I can't even fathom, as hateful an individil as I ever was, leaving a child, let alone my own along side a freeway. Just how broken does a human being need to be to do shit like this? How much hate who you have to have in your heart to abandon your own child? Just thinking about this makes me hurt. I know that people have a discusting ability for hateful deeds. But shit like this, is so discusting to me that I can't even express it in words. That child is obviously old enough to understand what happened to him and gets to live with the knowledge that becasue he made his mommy mad she dumped him along side the road. And that will take a long time for him to get past, and get an understanding of what a piece of shit his mother is. Until that time he gets to believe that it's HIS fault that his mommy dumped him. As far as I am concerned, that woman needs to be rendered unable to reproduce, if not hung for this.

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Oh. My. Fucking. God.


If I had seen that, it would take the a whole van full of cops to keep me from killing that bitch.


It breaks my heart to hear something like that. I sure hope the little one gets a home with parents who will love him.

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Originally posted by Tony Blair:

An excellent reason for why I believe child birth should be licensed and regulated.

- But then these nasty welfare bitches couldn't pop out more babies to collect more money.


- But that would thin out the heard, and keep many of the social rejects that drain all of our society's resources from breeding; if they can't breed, how can we get more rejects?


- Then we might be able to control world overpopulation, which in turn would have a positive impact on natural resource consumption, polution, overcrowding problems, etc.


- When hood rats can't breed more hood rats, who will be able to break into our cars, murder our loved ones, and steal our hard earned money??


What a shitty idea you have there. Jeez!!

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i hate to see things happen like this, its terrible what some people do because they have no commen sence.


An excellent reason for why I believe child birth should be licensed and regulated.


not to make this political but that is actually one of the stupidist statements i have ever read. democratic statement at that. if you want people to tell you how to live and regulate your life go somewhere else. we already have enough licences and permits and all the other bullshit we have to uphold just to live a lifestyle we may choose to have.


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