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Originally posted by Republicant:

No, shut the fuck up and stop gaying up the Fuck michigan thread. I can flame you wherever the fuck I want to in the flame room. O-H

LOL. Excellent comeback.

Originally posted by MadMalibu:

One of the best rivals in sports according to OSU fans. Michigan looks at that game like it's nothing...they hate Michigan State.

Win 2 of the last 3 and it'll change the way people perceive the game. Maybe in the Cooper era it wasn't a rivalry to Michigan...


Fuck Michigan.

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Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

i made the mistake of thinking hey, no one knows me, so ill be an asshole


i was an asshole to everyone who was one to me, and now that i think about it i made a mistake, because i posted what my car looks like and where im gonna be saturday (but i said it so i cant back down, i never go back on my word) and no ones gonna care or its gonna be a shitstorm guess ill find out


and no, no dicks, just clits and titties

shutup homo...



oh, and i'm not a real big football fan (college, NFL, none of it), but i always watcht the OSU vs. Michigan game. its always exciting smile.gif

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marc, clown, and repulicant are going to be getting a three day vacation if they post in this thread one more fucking time. this is an "i hate michigan" thread, keep your worthless personal shittalking out of it! itd be different if any of your were original, or shit, id settle for funny. but arguments between you guys always seem to follow along the lines of "youre a bitch!"..."uh-uh. youre moms a bitch"..."oh yeah, well you like dicks."...and so on and so forth. i was more entertaining to listen to when i was in fourth grade. take your ass to the funny bone sometime. good lord.

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Guest Elinar Longsight

I know I am asking for it but here it goes...I lived in Texas 16yrs of my life and have been a Wolverine fan since I can remember. Now when I lived there, the only game I got fired-up about was MSU vs UM. Then I moved to Lansing, MI and I saw how the UM vs MSU rivalry really was. It was alot worse than this so called OSU and UM rivalry. The media made this game a big deal and because OSU fans are a bunch of followers(*note the sarcasm*) they think its a big deal to both teams when in fact its not. I am a true UM fan, and will be no matter how my team plays because I know its only a game and that ALL teams have good days and bad days, some more than others, **cough**PennState**cough**, but in the end it really doesn't matter.


Now, I live in OHio of all places because I married a Buckeye fan, and have become a fan myself, but on one day a year I can't cheer for OSU because my life-long faithfulness has me cheering for The BLUE and MAZE!!!


So answer this, if a true Wolverine fan can cheer for OSU, except one day a yr, then how can it be that big of a rivalry.? I hate MSU with a passion and pray to the football gods they lose every game, I can't stand seeing those uniforms or hearing their names, I avoid all MSU fans like the plague, now thats a rivalry.

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thats easy, youre not a true scUM fan. growing up in texas, i guess we cant hold that against you. someone down there must have implanted something worthwhile in you after all.


i do think its funny that even UM fans hate people from michigan. that tell you how truly fucked up that place is.

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Guest sphen02
Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

i made the mistake of thinking hey, no one knows me, so ill be an asshole


i was an asshole to everyone who was one to me, and now that i think about it i made a mistake, because i posted what my car looks like and where im gonna be saturday (but i said it so i cant back down, i never go back on my word) and no ones gonna care or its gonna be a shitstorm guess ill find out


and no, no dicks, just clits and titties

i love how the kid is trying to appologize for his personality, because he realizes its why he has no friends and no one likes him. prolly also why he has to pay for sex. and you really shouldnt admit youve been sucking on ur moms clit and titties ;)
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Guest Elinar Longsight

How can u say that just because I lived in Texas, that I am not a true fan? I didn't know that you have to live where the team is to be a true fan. So I guess anyone that doesn't live in OH can't be true Buckeye fans because they live and/or grew up outside of Ohio. I don't just like a team because everyone else in the state does or doesn't. I am not a follower, I choose to like a team for many reason, not just because I have to or I will get my ass kicked, threatened, or disowned if I dont like a certain team.


For all of you OSU fans, why are you a fan? Leave out all of the "well because I grew up here and its the only worthy team around..." crap. Give me real reasons such as but not limited to:the way they play, the integrity of the school or team, the way fans treat non-fans, the records of said team...anything except the follower excuse.


Originally posted by Orion:

i do think its funny that even UM fans hate people from michigan. that tell you how truly fucked up that place is.

UM fans only hate MSU fans, they don't have to be from MI, they just have to be MSU fans. tongue.gif
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Going to school in Michigan, I can tell you that it is a big game here too. True, it's hard to match the excitement surrounding the MSU/UM game, but they are damn well close in recent years. I was at the UM/MSU game last year and the campus much resembled OSU's campus during the UM games. When you have two large state colleges as close as MSU and UM there's bound to be a huge rivalry. But UM still takes the OSU game seriously. Hell, last night at the bar, the 40-year-old guy that checked my ID started talking shit to me about Ohio State, just cuz of the Ohio ID.


ESPN called it one of greatest sports rivalry’s of all time, and I think they have an outside perspective of things.


oh yeah, GO BUCKS!

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Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

FUCK FOOTBALL what a waste of time


let me restate that


where the hell is the fun in watching other people play




FUCK WATCHING FOOTBALL or any other sport for that matter

I can see where being a Juggalo or whatever isnt a waste of time fire bug graemlins/wtf.gif
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Tina, what I said was, "you're not a true fan. And it might be because while you were in texas, you had some good influence in your life"...read, someone who loved you, or a social life, or maybe you read a self help book.


texas sucks almost as much as michigan, so I know that it has nothing to do with just growing up there. If that were the case, you'd be pretty much screwed.


Why am I an ohio state fan? I'm from columbus. I love this town, I won't ever call anywhere else home. Ohio state represents home to me, and I'm proud to be from where I'm from. My dad is an alumni, as are a few other family members, and I've been raised with scarlet and grey in my blood. As a kid I dreamt of playing for the bucks, and representing my home town as part of the best damn team in the land.


And if you can't wrap your mind around that stuff, then here's the kicker...


I like to root for teams that win.


So, in closing, its 4:01 p.m., and I'm posting from my sidekick, and...








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Guest Elinar Longsight

Ok then. Anyways, I will always be a UM fan, no matter what. I just hope that people don't try to kill me or kick my ass because of it. If I had known OSU fans took it so far, I probably would have tried to talk my hubby out of coming back for fear of being maimed by the OSU fans. They are the only fans I know that destroy their campus and city when their team both win and lose.


This year should be interesting though. UM is ranked 7th on the polls as of now and OSU is 9th, so we will see what happens. Plus with the new BCS ranking system, this year is going to be quite a riot(no pun intended). ;)

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Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

FUCK FOOTBALL what a waste of time


let me restate that


where the hell is the fun in watching other people play




FUCK WATCHING FOOTBALL or any other sport for that matter

your just some unatheltic ass clown, so go fuck yourself
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Originally posted by Rotarded:

Mark, where the fuck were you a month ago? Fifth post:




Wake up and stop sniffing that STUPRAGLUE! :D



Dude, did an apex seal knock you in the noggin over at the shop? This thread is DEVOTED to flaming Michigan. That other thread you linked is some bullshit about the Bungles, Browns and all of the other non-championship winning pro sports teams in this state.


Fifth post down. Pfft.


pyroclown, you are on drugs. Wipe the makeup off your face, start listening to country, and sit down and learn what the zone blitz is all about. graemlins/thumb.gif


Gay Marc, as a supposed Penn State fan, it's pretty clear that you are very jealous of Ohio State -- a team which BELONGS in the Big 10. Sadly for you, the Nits are now playing Mac-level football. Your Steelers are nowhere near Super Bowl caliber, so you are reduced to hating on a team that is actually successful. That is as pathetic as your constant blathering about your cark. graemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gif

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Originally posted by B DUBS:

your just some unatheltic ass clown, so go fuck yourself

oh shit brandon, you are the winner of this thread, you sooooo called this retards problem


UM is to MSU as OSU is to.........


answer.......OU, come on you michigan retards, you only say that msu is your bigger priority cause you can't hang with the bucks, so you pick on the little kid so you can win a game and then say that we don't matter, in the end we don't care cause once the bucks win again, it doesn't matter tressel is found guilty of kicking babies off of bridges cause nothing will matter until the next year of some michigan ass whoopuns again


its 1056 and michigan still sucks



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Gayer Mark: Hate on PSU all you like; we'll see what happens this fall. As far as the Steelers go, dont even try. I know them like you know OSU, you wont win.


Fagmo Brandon: I am taking that as a personal threat, and expect to have you banned...bitch. graemlins/slap.giftongue.gif


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