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smoke free columbus

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retarded. I cannot believe so many people voted for the ban! graemlins/jerkit.gif


I see already in other threads where people are excited from this board. I dont understand though. You go to a restaruant and you have a choice, smoking or non. If you sit in the non section, you will not be bothered by smoke. (if you are then its the establishments problem.)


To boot, if you want your seat faster you can say first available, for those who a bit of smoke doesnt bother. Kiss that goodbye, no more chance of a shorter wait to be seated.


In a bar:

If you are going to whine about smoke in a bar or pub, stay home. everyone knows cigarettes and alchohol mix well.


I dont get it. can someone please explain why it was so important to pass this ban? graemlins/thumbsdown.gif


The only real need I could understand is litter from cigarette butts, but that will still be around from people tossing butts from their cars.


I am not trying to make this a smoker vs. non issue, but I have a feeling it will be. graemlins/popcorn.gif

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I think its great that it went through. Even though you canhave non and regular areas to sit it the smoke is still in there. If someone wants to go kill themself and there lungs thats there choice. But its not fair to everyone else whos trying to stay away from it. Proven fact second hand smoke is worse than smoking.


Oh well just my .2 cents lol


"I am not trying to make this a smoker vs. non issue, but I have a feeling it will be. " - me either but I agree with you.

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I agree..this is a stupid ban. I work security for a local hotel and I cannot believe that I am now going to have to deal with drunk people who forget or don't know about the ban. I know I prefer to be able to have a cigarette or a cigar when I'm at the bar having a beer. Some people don't like the smell of smoke, which I can understand.....but for those of us who do smoke....what are we suppost to do now?? I know I'm not going to stop going to bars on occasion just because of the ban, but now I have to rethink which ones I go to. This is such crap.
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its not an issue about a person wanting to smoke but this is taking away the choice of an establishment to be a non smoking place, no one said before that a place couldn't be non smoking, this now pushes all non smokers views on everyone, regardless of if they want to smoke or not. Personally I smoke, but don't like to smoke while eating. Both sides have points but this ban doesn't give a choice to places where people do smoke because in bars and clubs the majority of people do smoke, and this included everyone within the city probably a lot of people that will not be affected by this because they do not go to bars and such


and amy i have never heard that second hand smoke is worse than actually smoking, never

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Guest Ranger_Man

i actually prefer people smoke in the bars and restaurants. with them smoking, i can pick out the non smoker girls because as a non smoker i just can't date a girl who smokes.


i have no problems with smokers because i know that second hand smoke does absolutely nothing besides smell funny.


that being said, smoking bans are no problem here in texas tongue.gif .

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It's stupid. There is a better solution than an outright ban. The smoking influence on people wanting a non-smoking section of a restaurant is an issue, this should be addressed. But to say no one can smoke in any public establishment, including bars and bowling alleys is just ridiculous. The issue of establishments like bars should have never been brought up.


Sincerely, Someone who’s never smoked.

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Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

and amy i have never heard that second hand smoke is worse than actually smoking, never

Go look it up in national health journals.


Ya know it's funny too, people will smoke outside their home, so as not to smoke it up; but won't hesitate to smoke around a crowd of people? Aren't you enforcing your will upon me the non-smoker then? So where do we get the happy medium?


And +1 to republicant, god forbid you want to kill yourselves faster, do it away from where i'm trying to eat food at.

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Originally posted by Veritas:

Go look it up in national health journals.


Ya know it's funny too, people will smoke outside their home, so as not to smoke it up; but won't hesitate to smoke around a crowd of people? Aren't you enforcing your will upon me the non-smoker then? So where do we get the happy medium?


And +1 to republicant, god forbid you want to kill yourselves faster, do it away from where i'm trying to eat food at.

i love it, i can wear my leather coat to the bar and not worry about smokers messing it up.



Adam there are several cases of people dying b/c of lung cancer caused by second hand smoke.



GJ franklin county voters I <3 you.

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I'll start by stating I'm a non-smoker. Never have, never will. My parents, most of my family, and at least 1/2 of my friends are non-smokers.


I am right on the fence w/ that issue. On one hand, not dealing w/ smoke is nice.


But on the other, shouldn't it be up to the businesses to decide whether there is smoking or no in their establishment. No one is forcing you to go there, right? There are restaurants that have been fully non-smoking.


IMO it's going to just be a PITA for all of us. It will seperate groups hanging out at bars/restaurants/etc. when the smokers have to go outside to get their fix.

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berto several? what are the numbers of people dying from actually smoking


i am not saying that it isn't harmful to people but do you honestly believe that second hand smoke is more harmful to people than actually doing the smoking yourself??

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Originally posted by RX7dood:

i love it, i can wear my leather coat to the bar and not worry about smokers messing it up.


Adam there are several cases of people dying b/c of lung cancer caused by second hand smoke.


GJ franklin county voters I <3 you.

You're right. Now you can come home only smelling like beer. graemlins/nod.gif


I do understand the restaurant issue, in fact, I rarely smoke in those situations. That has been a long time coming. However I think there are better ways than banning it altogether.


All this bitching about the economy, do people realize that non smoking bars will have less business, which leads to less demand for employees?


If drinking alchohol in public is ever on the ballot, I will vote it down, how would you feel then? It is more of a nuisance than smoking, IMO.


I think I am just venting because smokers are really getting cracked down upon. There is a hospital in columbus smoke-free, where even if the employees come in smelling like smoke they get sent home..If you get a new car, you have to order and pay extra for a cig lighter and ash tray... etc etc.

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The ban does infringe on the rights of the owner.


Sorry, but you don't have the RIGHT to clean air in a resturaunt. WHY? Because you CHOOSE to be there. no one has ever tied you up and made you sit in a bar/resturuant. In a public place, in your home, you have every right, but not in a private setting. Amazing that many of the people who bitch about freedom being taken away voted FOR this. Freedom is not about what you like, it's about protecting what you don't like.



BUT, the ban should have never happend, I think it would have been better to compromise, bars should stay smoking, but resurants have to have thier smoking section enclosed from the non-smoking section. If the owner didn't want to pay the extra money for building a glass wall separating the non-smoking section, then smoking is not permitted.

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Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in America today, with over 430,000 dying each year from tobacco-related causes. And another 53,000 non-smoking Americans die annually from inhaling other people's tobacco smoke.
check this out too




i will frequent bars more often, thats what happened when applebees banned it, to show support i went more often.

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We have had a ban in Florida since I have been here and I have to say it is great, most smokers bitched at first but now it's just routine. I love being able to go to a restraunt and not being asked what section I want to eat in and usually there is not a very long wait even on busy nights becasue they don't have to divide the restraunt for one section or another. The bar scene is a bit different though, being a warmer climate down here a number of clubs and bars are open air and smoking is allowed because of that.
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Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

We have had a ban in Florida since I have been here and I have to say it is great, most smokers bitched at first but now it's just routine. I love being able to go to a restraunt and not being asked what section I want to eat in and usually there is not a very long wait even on busy nights becasue they don't have to divide the restraunt for one section or another. The bar scene is a bit different though, being a warmer climate down here a number of clubs and bars are open air and smoking is allowed because of that.

I didn't have the opportunity to vote against the ban since I live in Gahanna, but a state wide ban actually makes more sense to me. It seems to me that by forcing the clubs and bars to be non-smoking, the city of Columbus has just forced those businesses outside of the city limits. Columbus is a big city, but it isn't so big that people won't just migrate to "fringe" bars so that they can have a butt with their beer.
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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

guess I'll be going outside of franklin county to bars now. if I can't have a smoke with my beer I don't wanna drink

I'm pretty sure it is just Columbus proper, I could be wrong though. Not like I should really care because I didn’t get to vote on it! :mad:


Originally posted by mesteno:

BUT, the ban should have never happend, I think it would have been better to compromise, bars should stay smoking, but resurants have to have thier smoking section enclosed from the non-smoking section. If the owner didn't want to pay the extra money for building a glass wall separating the non-smoking section, then smoking is not permitted.

OMFG!!111!1 Compromising to cohabitate on this earth, what a novel idea. I’ve been preaching a similar idea to all of the ‘yes to the smoking ban’ people here and they can’t see past their own nose far enough to understand they are living on this earth with 6 billion other people.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I'll start by stating I'm a non-smoker. Never have, never will. My parents, most of my family, and at least 1/2 of my friends are non-smokers.


I am right on the fence w/ that issue. On one hand, not dealing w/ smoke is nice.


But on the other, shouldn't it be up to the businesses to decide whether there is smoking or no in their establishment. No one is forcing you to go there, right? There are restaurants that have been fully non-smoking.


IMO it's going to just be a PITA for all of us. It will seperate groups hanging out at bars/restaurants/etc. when the smokers have to go outside to get their fix.

I agree w/you. I hate cigaretts, dam things almost kiled my dad, but I respect a persons right to want to smoke, its their choice, if I dont like it I dont have to be around them.

How long do you think it will be before they put a ban on smoking in front of a bar or resturant, next there wil be a ban on smoking on in your home, who knows where it will stop once it gets going.

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wah wah, my pussy hurts....


I used to smoke and I was one of them... for the most part, smokers are rude.... I DON'T want to smell that shit... you bitch because someone is forcing you to take it outside, but for the longest time we were forced to smell that shit...


As far as there is non smoking and smoking areas... anyone who's a non-smoker or ex-smoker will tell you, you can still smell that shit on the other side of the restaurant. Smoke is the last thing that you want to smell when you are eating dinner...


just my $.02

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by RX7dood:


check this out too




i will frequent bars more often, thats what happened when applebees banned it, to show support i went more often.

that 53,000 number is *HIGHLY* inflated. that number actually comes mainly from people who died while living with a smoker, not from people who died from lung cancer and did not smoke. infact, if i remember right, the supreme court threw out those findings in a case they had.


good grief berto, your a mech. eng., get your information from sources that aren't biased.




3000 lung cancer deaths and 62,000 coronary heart disease deaths. you can get lung cancer from other things than cigs. heart disease can come from MANY things including it being hereditary. furthermore, those numbers are not just from second hand smoke(SHS). the numbers are taken from environmental tobacco smoke(ETS), which can be many things, not just SHS.


SHS is bad for small and unborn children. studies have proved that but there are no studies that completely prove that SHS is bad for adults.


heres another site:




the only benefit to non smokers is that they will not have to deal with the smell.

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The ban wasn't on my ballot as I live in Gahanna, but I would've voted for it if it had been. Remember that the ban wasn't just to handle restaurants, but other situations as well.


For example, every morning when I walk into work there are people smoking outside in front of the building. In order to enter the building I must walk through their poison clouds, or during breaks at work if I want to go outside, there are always smokers outside on the patio puffing on their cancer sticks. Why should those of us who do not wish to get cancer from cigarrettes later in life or just simply want to be able to go outside and breathe some fresh(er) air have to breathe poison instead?


The difference between cigarrettes and alcohol is that alcohol doesn't hurt anyone else except the person consuming it unless it's consumed in excess and the person drives drunk or something, which we have laws against. Cigarrettes on the other hand hurt everyone around the person smoking them. You're literally forcing other people to breathe a form of poison.


Ban the shit. If it were up to me there would be a $500 fine every time a person was caught even holding an *UNLIT* cigarrette.

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Well, I'm definitely a non-smoker and in all honestly it doesn't bother me THAT much. At CR hangouts and shit, I'm never gonna bitch about smoking because we're outside and such. But at restaurants and shit, what's the problem with taking a 5 minute break to smoke that shit and come back in?
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