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Marc, your thoughts on the Colts?


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Fuck the fairweather colts fans. Fuck fairweather fans everywhere. Fuck patriots fans that surfaced 4 years ago. Fuck Steelers fans that showed up last year.


I've been a Pats fan since the Parcells-Bledsoe-Martin-Glenn years, and it really pisses me off every time the Colts play the Pats and every Browns, Steelers, Eagles, Cardinals, Bengals, etc. fan is like "teh colts will roxors joo this year!!!! teh colts are teh 1337!!!!!1one"


Its like every goddamn Red Sox fan that ever was because they just hated the Yankees (Yeah, I'm a Sox fan too. Its a good thing I came to BU, where I live a block from Fenway).


So yeah, fairweather fans = welcome to the suck




EDIT: This all doesn't change the fact that I think the Colts are an amazing team this year.

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The Colts are the real deal this year. I still think they will lose in the playoff's, and I think the Steelers will win.


That does not take away from their amazing performance last night. They played a great game as a team, and deserve to be undefeated. For now.


PS. I've been a Steeler fan since I was born. The first Steelers game I ever went to was the 1995 AFC Championship game against the Colts...It was cool as hell :cool:


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Fuck the fairweather colts fans. Fuck fairweather fans everywhere. Fuck patriots fans that surfaced 4 years ago. Fuck Steelers fans that showed up last year.


I've been a Pats fan since the Parcells-Bledsoe-Martin-Glenn years, and it really pisses me off every time the Colts play the Pats and every Browns, Steelers, Eagles, Cardinals, Bengals, etc. fan is like "teh colts will roxors joo this year!!!! teh colts are teh 1337!!!!!1one"


Its like every goddamn Red Sox fan that ever was because they just hated the Yankees (Yeah, I'm a Sox fan too. Its a good thing I came to BU, where I live a block from Fenway).


So yeah, fairweather fans = welcome to the suck




EDIT: This all doesn't change the fact that I think the Colts are an amazing team this year.



Parcells-Bledsoe-Martin-Glenn years would be called fair weather, it as not that long ago..........considering you are 18 I understand why it is long ago to you, but don't act like you have liked the Pats for 30 years or something......


You were not even born when the pats had their asses handed to them in 86 by one of the most dominate teams ever assembled, the 85 Bears. Please do not spout off NFL Knowledge to someone who has watched the NFL longer than you have been alive or call someone a "fairweather fan" I can remember the Colts team being moved there in March of 84 when you were just a twinkle in your father's eye.......

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What a game that was last night, both teams going for it on 4th down in the 1st quarter! What's up with the refs at the end of the game, "there is no challenge on the play". Manning was pissed!


Insane. Kind of fucked up going for two though...

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Insane. Kind of fucked up going for two though...


Not really.....0-7, I'd let Payton have at it too...




As for not understanding fandom? Alright, maybe compared to you, I'm just some fanboy bitch, captain insane-o. Still, what I'm talking about are grown men, such as yourself, that latch on to whatever team Sports Illustrated, or Pardon The Interruption, or SportsCenter says is going to win it all, unlike yourself; you're obviously a dedicated fan. Just because I wasn't around for the 86 Super Bowl loss doesn't mean I am as fairweather as anyone else. I certainly was behind the Minuteman (Yeah, I think the old Minuteman was the most badass mascot) when the Pats went up against the Packers in the Super Bowl XXXI.

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10xworse? he's like 18 or 19 yrs old. Your original post is waaay off base!!!! I'm from Pgh & a Steeler fan since 1967 / there was NO Chuck Noll, Terry Bradshaw, Joe Greene etc. I'm happy you're so close to Fenway Park, sounds like good place for you. I once lived 4 miles from 3 Rivers Stadium. NO BANDWAGON FAN HERE - if you're going to post hitting remarks like that, try to remember not everyone on here with the wealth of knowledge you seem to think you have, is like under 20 yrs old?

Now back to the NFL:


* no doubt about it, Colts are for real. They truly may run the table this season. From what I saw last night, I don't know if there's a team out there that can beat them?

* If Colts can stay healthy & Manning doesn't get hurt, AFC may be represented in Detroit by these Colts

* Steelers should give them all they want Monday 11/28 but its the Steelers defense that would have to dominate. A shoot out between Manning & Roethisberger = Manning wins

Truth -

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The sundy ticket is my best spent money for entertainment on a fall Sunday. We get a few Tv's together in the living room and the tuners and watch 3-4 games at once with the local games also. Eat some food, yell and cheer, and piss off the MRS. I love this time of year.
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People underestimate Rothelisburger. He is the best passer in the NFL, according to stats. That has to stand for something.


I think thats the funniest thing i have heard in a while.He is about the 20th best passer in the northern part of the united states east of indy including college QBs.Bens a joke and he will never win a superbowl.Period.

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I think thats the funniest thing i have heard in a while.He is about the 20th best passer in the northern part of the united states east of indy including college QBs.Bens a joke and he will never win a superbowl.Period.


Are you fucking kidding me? A joke? You're fucking ignorant. Crawl back into your hole :rolleyes:


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I think thats the funniest thing i have heard in a while.He is about the 20th best passer in the northern part of the united states east of indy including college QBs.Bens a joke and he will never win a superbowl.Period.


He is consistent, dosent make to many mistakes. But he is no all star.

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I think thats the funniest thing i have heard in a while.He is about the 20th best passer in the northern part of the united states east of indy including college QBs.Bens a joke and he will never win a superbowl.Period.


Wow, you really are a moron. I'm gonna laugh when you get to eat your words. Roethlisberger and the Steelers are the real deal man. Sorry to see that you're living in la la land. Retard.

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