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Ride 7/27


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well i haven't ridden hard in a long time and unfortunately i haven't been out for the sunday rides since june i believe, and im due for a little warm up quickie adrenaline rush. but i dont think i can handle a long ass ride and then a full blown soccer tourney though.

ill be there just not sure ill make it the whole way, ill probably pull out at 42 before the rocky roads.

plus if this is the "ultimate" dayton meet i suppose i can present myself. haha

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alright so me being the moron that i am decided that today was the day that i was going to be karate kid and break a couple of 1x8 pine boards with my hand... until one of the boards won...... so right now my right hand feels like hell!!! i have done some major damage and as of right now i am typing with my left hand. but i have already saddled up and checked if i could twist and brake and its still a go for me, but i dont know if i will be ridding up front like i want to be. if i am still in decent pain i will pick up the back and give jarvis some help as he is still trying to get through the turns.

but i will be there and i may not be late either:D

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  ninjachk08 said:
come on now!! didnt you go 4wheelin last weekend??

take turns..this weekend its time to ride the bike!!

I did go last weekend but I also lost my hand gun and gotta find it. Somehow it feel out of my craptastic holster. Plus I am in need of a new sprocket chain set up and brakes. So I may be done drastically early this year.
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  playerpro153 said:
so this weekend may be my last ride again for a little while. my rear tire is getting pretty low. Probably have some cord showing by the end of the day. Anybody got a spare 190 sitting around?

damn i did, i would have gave it to you for free, but gave it to another guy on the site..

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  e-flores said:
if i am still in decent pain i will pick up the back and give jarvis some help as he is still trying to get through the turns.

Sweet, I have a babysitter!!

jk, just so we're all clear, I'm not going to ba able to hang with Chris and the like the whole way, so someone will have to keep an eye on me and make sure I don't kill myself.....

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I'm actually trying to go for a switch and keep it on the road this weekend. I don't mean to disappoint anyone who was hoping to see a good show, but I figure one weekend on, then one weekend off road is a good compromise.

But I'll probably play it by ear....

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