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How the hell do you download Bit Torrents?


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Well, I've finally got some sort of broadband connection. My neighbor ended up getting satellite internet, and he just happens to be using wireless connections.... :D


Anyways, here's the story. I can never seem to get these things to work. I did a search and found a small bit of info. So far, I've downloaded ABC (another bit torrent client). I then went to isohunt.com and found the torrent I wanted, and downloaded it, which took all of .5 sec. I then took that file that I downloaded, and put it into the ABC program. I showed up on the list of things to download, but it never seems to download anything. It's still at 0.0%??? Even after sitting all nite long. How the hell do you make this thing work?


Also, what the heck is a 'seed' or 'peer'???

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Azureus is my choice of client. Do you have an open port to accept incoming requests and connect to the tracker for thet torrent? I was only seeing 5k untill I went in my firewall in the router and opened a port for torrents. After I was getting close to 300k/sec.


He wouldn't know because it's not his router he's getting signal from. There are certain ports that need to be open before you can download torrents. However, more then likely its still default settings/password so you could probalbly just hop on and open up a few ports.


Even though, you know this is like massive illegal. Lol.

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