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vw forums?Know any good ones?


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if you have a 1.8t there is 20vturbo, and around here is dubohio and ohiovw for locals in cbus and there is a cincy one and cleveland one was well....but yeah vwvortex does have a lot of members and valuable information but at the same time people do spread a lot of wrong info...but just like any other forum..
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the vortex is a decent site most people just like to spread misinformation on that they heard from a friend who knows a lot kinda deal but the tex is your best bet.


You're about the only person in this thread who I trust knows anything about VW’s for sure. Last time I visited VW Vortex was a long time ago, and there was a lot of crap there. Maybe they have turned it around. I might have to check it out.

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VwVortex still spews crap. It really depends on what kind of information you're looking for honestly. Even the local forums are just an extension of the info that circles the 'tex. Just don't take what you read as gospel and use some common sense and you will be fine. These should get you started.








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You're about the only person in this thread who I trust knows anything about VW’s for sure. Last time I visited VW Vortex was a long time ago, and there was a lot of crap there. Maybe they have turned it around. I might have to check it out.


And i recommend jeff for the best info on vw nerdery. speaking of, I found some tools of yours man, I AM A GIANT ASSSHOOLLE for having em so long, i'll try n get ahold of you this weekend so that I may return them, and if you already replaced em, i'll reimburse your cash flow.


and jesse wtf you been up to man? Hows the life living yah?

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and jesse wtf you been up to man? Hows the life living yah?


Shit man. Just working, drinking here and there, skiing as much as humanly possible. I have a really cool job now, I get to drive cars around.


What have you been up to, still in school? How's that house doing?


Yeah, that's my problem with VW Vortex (or really just about any large, nationwide board). There is some good information and a lot of bad. I hate having to sift through all of the shit.

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And i recommend jeff for the best info on vw nerdery. speaking of, I found some tools of yours man, I AM A GIANT ASSSHOOLLE for having em so long, i'll try n get ahold of you this weekend so that I may return them, and if you already replaced em, i'll reimburse your cash flow.


and jesse wtf you been up to man? Hows the life living yah?


kyle u have my jackstands still? im gonna need em next weekend when i slap in my new 5 speed :D

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