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few new guys I would like to introduce.


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As most of you know or don't my wife and I have been excepting triplets. Well late last night/early this morning 1:30 they were delivered. All 3 are healthy and doing good mom is doing great just a little tired.


They are all 15" long and just over 2 and one half pounds each (normal for a 30 week term pregnecy). with that said I would like to introduce


Evan Matthew, Emerson Parker, and Elliott Grey. I am extermly excited and happy. I am now going to pass out and sleep for a bit (been up for over 24 hrs now) then head back up to the hospital.

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COngrats POPS, You now have your own pit crew!


I always wondered if trips get mixed up in the first few months, like you name them take em home and a month later you are like wait is that Elliot or Evan? And their names get switched. LOL. At the very least they are boys! Imagine trip girls........the stress later in life, I would be a hair away from a MI each day......

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