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Faster than you... (56K beware)


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What camera did you use?

Amazing pictures btw.

I used a Canon 40D. I shoot everything using M, manual mode, so I have full control over all the settings. I never touch any of those modes you see with the little pictures like the little guy running for sports mode or the mountains for outdoors/landscape mode.


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I just saw the link to all the pictures in your first post...

Very nice gallery! I have just been checking out the pictures in this thread until now. Those are some sweet shots!

Thanks. I was just thinking I never mentioned the rest of the shots were there and I just included the link.

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That shot of the F-22 is abouut as good as I have seen.

Was the F-35 there?

No they won't start showing up in airshows until they are in service for a while.

i was just thinking today, as i was struggling to get a decent photo with my canon A720IS at mid-o, that i should invest in a piece of photographic equipment worth its weight in gold. then i got caught up in the fact that i used the word "equipment".

Yeah you aren't going to be able to get great action type shots with the A720IS. A decent camera and lens to capture that sort of thing isn't too bad until you want to start freezing action and need/want to be able to shoot in overcast conditions or poor light. A good lens is more important then a good camera.

great pics!!!


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no SR-71 blackbirds there huh...

i think the only ones left are in museums

No I was disappointed they didn't even have one on display. It's an older aircraft, but even my 12 year old asked if we were going to be able to see one.

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The B-25 is real cool. The kids were amazed at the number of gunners on such a small bomber. The F104 was only ok, but there's not much you can expect out of "the missile with a man in it" especially with the F-16 and F-18 flying before them. Even their high speed passes seemed less impressive than the others. They are really cool to see around still though.


if you think the b25 has alot of gunners. check out a b17 flying fortress

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