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My experiance with Ohio Hwy Patrol in Marion CO.


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I just got the no front plate ticket in Marion OH.(State Hwy Patrol) It included a 55 dollar court cost fee even though I didn't go to court. Total cost was $95.


He tried to write me for 74 in a 65 at first, when I had my cruise on at 65. After he came to the window and said I was speeding at 74 and I told him I wasn't. He put me in the front seat and there is a sign that reads I am being recoreded with video and audio recording equipment, so I tell him since I am being recorded, I want to go on record again and say I wasn't speeding and your radar says 63 in your patrol car now that I can see it, I had my cruise on at 65 and I have two witnesses in the car to back it up(mom and Wife). I also said I will be supeoneaing his camera footage and audio before his shift was over. He got out of the car and looked over the car and came back and said I am going to site you for no front plate, I said well at least I was guilty of that offense. While he was making out the ticket I was counting out loud the number of cars comming at us that had no plate and I was in the 30s. That county is slim shady and so is the OHP.....


The funny thing was that I got a call from the FOP to give a donation of 75 dollars and I said sure. Well a week later I got the ticket from the OHP (the one above.) SO "zeroxed" the ticket and blackened out some info and sent that in with a note as my payment along with the form.


The note read:


To whom it may concern I was pulled over for speeding BY the OHP when I was not speeding, He said I was speeding and then didn't sight me for it when I proved to him that he was lying and I was going to fight the ticket. SO he then looked my car over and wrote me this ticket for the no front plate. While I pointed out to him, while he was writing the ticket, that 30 vehicles had passed his cruiser without a front plate. I then asked him, "If he was going to go after them also?" I got no answer since he was being recorded. So here is your payment you can get it from the Marion Clerk of Courts. Maybe next time the front plate thing is up for pass/fail as law the FOP will push more for OHP to drop it since It will save taxpayers and the state money.

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Oh yeah when I called the clerk of courts to pay the ticket they told me at that time I owed them $125 for a speeding ticket from 1995?! WTF? I said no I paid it because it was a mandatory court appearence as marked on the ticket. (this was the only ticket I recieved in Marion prior to the one I just got) I said no I had to pay before I was allowed to leave. (this ticket was by aircraft and there were 9 of us that had to appear, including my mom who was following me in a pack of 7 other cars.


The lady said I don't know what your situation is but you owe us $125 before you pay the $95.


I said - lady how am I going to prove that I paid a ticket 11 years ago? I paid it before I left the day in court. Why isn't there a warrant out for me?


SHe says we don't issue warrents for out standing money owed on tickets!


I then asked Well then Why the hell am I paying the $95 then?


She says well we suspend your licence....


I ask then Well why isn't my licence still suspended?


She says good question!


I ask her if the ticket shows some payment and she says yes.


How much? I ask.


She says $125


Yep that is how much I paid so you are telling me you charged me with 250 dollar speeding ticket for 11 MPH over the limit?


She says hold on and got her boss and he gets on and tells me there has been a mistake and the $125 is being suspended so I only have to pay the $95. What a fuckin racket they have up there....

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the front plate law only exist because its easier for LIDAR to hit the front plate .. run out take a pic of you plate and look. Its bullshit. Wanna pissum off go for the brain scambler like zuht has.


or like im getting But yeah I disagree with front page some cars just look odd. Luckly my monte has a place for it with out making it look to odd. Plus i like people to see ROOT when i pull up :)




Laser Shifter. FTW

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I live in Marion. I got pulled over for no front plate as well. Lived here for a year before getting pulled over for it. None of the City or Sheriff care, but one day on the way home from Columbus, I got pulled over right after leaving a stop light by a Statie. Didn't get cited for not having it though, he just let me go.
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Space as I read this, man they screwed with you???? Guess they had nothing better to do that day? It's one thing to get cited for something you did, its a whole different story to get "hobaged" like that? Then when his back is to the wall - you get a tix for no front plate???? They'd have a field day up there with me??? Window tint, exhaust, etc. Guess I'll attempt to avoid that county ---
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Not Marion but Newark...


Last weekend


On the way home (hilliard) from zainesville, while driving the Iroc, got hit with laser going 75 in a 65. Officer took his time getting into the car, took his time to catch up with me. Pulled in behind me, turned lights on. I flashed the hazards once and started to pull over. Got off into the burm and proceeded into the grass. Officer got out came to passenger window. Asked for everything. Gave my, ID expired regisration that didnt not match the valid tag on the car. And provided no insurance card. Told him before he started to walk away tag on car didnt belong to it. Officer went back to cruiser, sat in car for seriously 5 seconds, got back out walked up. I said to myself "im fucked", handed me back my info and said, drive 65...do you have any questions?


Let off and not a damn thing was correct...That was a good day.

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You would most likely would have no problem, My car is viewed as a rice rocket and I expect to be treated that way anymore by back woods cops and big egoed OHP.


Hell I had a CPD Freeway patrol officer pull me over on a freakin Sunday morning 9:30am on 670 and Leonard. He asks me when he gets to the window "what Kind of car is this a Geo?" never mind in big plastic chrome letters it spelled S U B A R U right on the back of the trunk in the MIDDLE.


You drive a Vette and they would say nice car, hell most likely wouldn't even bother you. I just blow it off as a by product of the car I drive and accept it. It is going to attract negative attention. I like the car a lot and can deal with it I guess. I had my wife and 50 year old mother in the car and he still treated me the way he did. I don't look 30, but he found out that I know how to play the game. I think my mom and wife snapped some pics of me in the front seat of the patrol car. I will see if I can get them and put them up for laughs. I could care less about the money really; I didn't want the points and the INS to go up. I should be able to have some recourse with Shit like this, it should be handled in a criminal court and he should be charged with fraud.


Anthony you have the number to the Pre-Paid legal place?

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