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Employer not paying me whats due


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what are my options?


at work, we have a referral bonus program. its 200$/mo for 30, 60 and 90 days and 400$ after referral has been employed 180 days. guy i referred has been here 90 days as of feb 21, 06. first two referral checks went thru fine. i put the form in for the 3rd referral bonus form on feb 21 on his 90th day. our checks came on the 24th, so in no way was i expecting it to be on that one.


next check came 03/10/06, wasnt on there. asked my supervisor about it, he said it would most likely be on the check that our bonus checks come on (from hitting our goals) which is always the last check in the month. so today comes, i get my bonus check from hitting my goal, but my referral bonus is still not on it.


i go to the ops manager, and she gives me some bullshit about 'we cant issue bonuses at branch level anymore, it all has to go thru corporate office' she then shows me a fax reciept of them sending my form over on the day i turned it in. so corporate has had my form for a month, 3 checks went by, and i still dont have my money.


it wouldnt irk me so much if i didnt have stuff i need to get taken care of with that money, but i do, and now that the $ i counted on being there isnt, im about broke for the next 2 weeks, and thats assuming they actually put it on my next check


so what can i do about the situation?

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I would probably call corporate & ask them about it. Find out if they really did change the policy on it. Maybe corporate didn't get your fax or the person who would have processed it. If it's a big office, your fax may have been lost. Give 'em a call & explain your situation.
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Well, if she doesn't call you back by say 11:00 tomorrow morning? It's time to dust off resume & start looking for new job. Nobody works for free & if your employer isn't taking the time or responsibility to pay its employees what they've "EARNED", its time to move on. What would really suck - what if you had a HUGE bonus you'd earned & they weren't paying you????? Now that paints a whole different picture. I believe in being proactive NOT reactive - hope that helps.
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