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Okay, you want incomprehensible?

El Karacho1647545492

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I found it. NWS for vehement racial slurring. This is with regard to the leak of Tool's new album. People are bitching, and in the fourth post you will read possibly the most incomprehensible jargon the internet can provide. I read this and was crying laughing, not because I am a racist, but because the complete ignorance of the statement is hilarious. Please don't banhammer me. If you don't want to look, you don't have to. Here's the link.



EDIT: Decided to remove the link. I want responses



So I'm posing the question. Is anyone gonna be offended, and more importantly am I gonna get banhammered if I post some ignorant, funny-ass, completely incomprehensible jargon that makes literally no sense to any English-speaker?

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