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Twin turbo 403 Z06 - Progress Pics. Discuss.

Dr. Pomade

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All of the tires mention all hook better than that nittos. John already knows this. His decision was based on the stiffer side wall and life expectancy you recieve out of the nittos. It was not as if he said I like them becasue I like them. He choose them and they fit his application very well.



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Guest powers

Seeing as how I took the pics that are posted in this thread I will continue to post in this thread about Johns car. If you have an issue with that stop reading this thread.

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Guest powers
I think John is capable of posting about his descision on his tires, we don't really care what his errand boy has to say about it.

Who are you to speak for other people? You say that WE don't care, who are we? You just did the same thing you criticize me for. If you could care less fine don't read it, but you get all bent if I mention something about why someone choose this or that. I have a good idea of why he choose it because I am the one he discussed it with.


Errand boy? Laugable at best, what errands have I ran for John.


Instead of waiting for me to post something you can pick apart why don't you do something to contribute to this automotive forum or CR for that fact. The post I just made may help someone in their own personal decision about tires. If you have anything further to discuss with me start your own thread rather than derail this one, or PM me.

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Guest chpmnsws6
How many miles will you/he be putting on it a year? I thought BF's lasted a good 4-5k miles and tires need replaced every spring anyway (if you plan on hooking any kind of power). This being said, I'm running on 3-4 yr old hoosiers but this pile will only make a 1/4 of the power that vette will :eek2: :leghump:
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Guest 614Streets
I think John is capable of posting about his descision on his tires, we don't really care what his errand boy has to say about it.


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so this tire thing seems pretty important.... but seriously i was wondering about the wastegate thing? can any one answer that for me?


I didn't see what the specific question was, but the wastegate setup isn't shown in those pictures.

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I was just wondering what kind of wastegate setup was going to be run becase there doesn't seem to be any wastegate flange on the manifolds. I didn't know if it was just a bad angle or something.
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There was actually a video done like 2 years ago with guys who dynoed a turbo civic with a log manifold and then an egual length. The egual length did put down more but not much more. I think the car was making like 400ish with a log and like 415 with an egual length.
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Yes. For $100 per 1/4. :)


Ty, I've heard great things about the MT's hooking, but not great things about their stability at high speeds. Remember, I'm not looking for good 60-foots, I'm looking to not get squirrely at 150+.

I'm running the MT's and boy do they hook at the track! I believe they do not break loose at all but then again I am not making 1000hp. My 60' are 1.76-1.81 depending on air temp. HOWEVER, I hate running these on the highway due to the extra soft sidewalls. They do not FEEL stable at all for doing high speeds while turning the steering wheel.

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What the hell is going on in this thread that makes it 4 pages worth of interesting? Its been almost 2 pages since Dr. Jon posted, do you guys realy want to be associated with this guy?:




Tilley, I've got some used BFG Comp TAs. I'm not asking if you want them, I'm telling you to take them. :p You'll need to hunt down some 16" rims, though. I've never been happy with a Nitto in both kinds of paved racing, and I've never made much power. ;)

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I ran some BFG's on the Vette prior to the Nittos. Hated them. Seriously - they were way to loose up top for me. On the other hand, I've seen 160+ on Nittos and felt fine on them all day long. Anyway, thanks for the offer for the tires; I should probably buy them off you just to use them at the track, since, well, Nittos are just not as good, IMO, at hooking from a dig.


BTW, who in the hell is that in that pic? And what the fuck is he doing with a lobster claw?

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BTW, who in the hell is that in that pic? And what the fuck is he doing with a lobster claw?

It's Dr. John, and he's got huge crabs.


"Buy" my ass, take'm. They're on a set of rims that wont work on your car though. You can either peel them off, or redrill the rims....ummm, rims aint free though. :(

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