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cop dies after crashing SUV chasing bike, what do you think?


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Summary: Man on crotch rocket runs from Police. Officer dies when he crashes his SUV. Man that ran will be charged with homicide and manslaughter due to a new NY law.


Ok, it was completely wrong for the man to run from the police. But SUV police packages are explicitly stated as not suitable for pursuit... Where is the balancing point?

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I don't think he should be charged with homicide unless his motorcycle killed someone or he caused the accident directly. Police wrecks SUV in chase? Police wrecked SUV, bad decision on his part. I'm not for running from police, but this is a no way IMO.


I agree with you 100% I also cant see the knoledge in getting into a high speed pursuit in an suv,But I believe that kid is in deep shit.

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The kid being charged with Homocide for the officers death is reaching, IMHO..... but to be fair, we don't know the whole story.


If he pushed the officer off the road during the pursuit... then yeah... he should fry.

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Yeah, that's stupid if he didn't do something to directly cause the accident.


If he didn't do anything to directly cause it, then under this law theoretically someone in this thread could be charged with the same thing for trying to be pulled over for speeding.


I've known quite a few people that didn't know they were being chased by cops while they were on bikes. It could happen in a car too.


Let's say you don't see anyone on the highway, decide to have a little fun in you car, so you do a little run up to 100 or 120mph. No harm done, but you pass a cop that is very well hidden and just don't see him start to come after you. You get off at the next exit or two and you go to a gas station right off of the highway to get some gas, or a pack of smokes. The cop loses control getting off of the highway and dies. You go to jail for at least a few years for what should have been a six point ticket for wreckless opp. More than likely your life is ruined, not too many people have the will to climb back up to being a productive member of society (whatever you may deem that) after getting out of jail.


Let's say that 10 or 20 years down the road they decide to start interpreting the law differently, or even use this as a 'stepping stone' to pass more stringent laws on things of this nature. You're doing 76 in a 65 and you see the cop after coming over the crest of a hill, slow down to 65. You see him pull out after you and you immediately pull over, but the cop didn't see another car and gets hit. The person in the car, their kids, and the cop dies. Now do you get charged with that for every person and go to jail for the rest of your life?


People who pull out the bull shit, "well they know the law (or should have) and the broke it, so they deserve the punishment" don't deserve they paper that their birth certificate is written on with our great state seal. This subject pisses me off so for those of you who aren't too bright, I'm not suggesting that you should move to another country, but I am suggesting you don't deserve to be alive. Just because a law is written and enforced some specific way doesn't mean it's right. I guess if it 'protects' the general public, then any law is ok. That is until it negatively effects your life by taking someone away from you that you care about, god forbid it actually directly effecting you by you being charged with one of these laws. As long as it's only negatively effecting a smaller portion the community then it is positively effecting (while not effecting me in any negative way) then it must be a good change. People who think like this don't deserve to live in this great free country of ours, and will soon make it so it's not so great and not so free if they have it their way.


yeah, i'm sorry for the police but that is just the system trying to put the blame on someone.


Yeah, there alwasy needs to be a scape goat to draw and quarter when the public is pissed.


The kid being charged with Homocide for the officers death is reaching, IMHO..... but to be fair, we don't know the whole story.


If he pushed the officer off the road during the pursuit... then yeah... he should fry.


I completely agree but there wouldn't need to be any new laws in place for that to happen.


Since pursuits seem (to the general public) to happen more often with bikes, why don't we just outlaw bikes and cut the problem off at it's roots?

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I think the blame goes exactly where they are placing it.

why is the blame not on the police officer? shouldn't he have let the helicopter do its job? What about all those driver training classes that our tax dollars paid for?


In society the police should be the voice of reason, if this cop thought it was reasonable to fly off the side of an on ramp and harm himself and more importantly other drivers then there are other more important issues

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its at the officers descretion. Granted I would chase for a minute and then realizing that I would not catch him I would give up. If you dont stop and a cop dies in a crash chasing you, you deserve anything they can charge with.
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troublemaker hit the nail on the head.


You can 'feel' anyway you want BUT logic would suggest that if you, a person, does something that harms yourself, you are ultimately responsible as well as there were legal warnings given to the officer about his vehicle and he ignored them.


Its not a hate of cops but rather a dislike of people not claiming responsibility were its due.


If you look at this story and you reach an opinion upon reading the biker was speeding at 100mph, than you havent properly evaluated the complete situation.


In every chase situation, the officer(s) have the option to break off a pursuit if it is unsafe, unsafe for them, unsafe for the public, etc. THere are restrictions on chases. The bottomline, is a chase in the SUV package is unsafe and by the pfficer chasing the suspect he immediately disregarded the safety of himself, the public, and other innocent bystanders. He is at fault for this result.


THe biker should get a speeding ticket and reckless OP.


When the officer's family is greiving over his death, they should remember he died because of an error he made. The biker wasnt killing ppl, robbing ppl, blowing up bridges ... he was speeding and if he messed up, he wouldnt kill anyone but himself (most likely)... a bike isnt able to smash an suv, the reverse would happen.

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Same law applies here to. If you run and because of you someone is hurt then it is on you. True situation, man takes friend to house to beat up an inlaw, man is pistol whipping victims, cops show up and shoot man with gun and kill him. Suspect who brought friend to help is charged with murder of his friend even though the cops are the one's who shot him. Why because he is the direct cause of the problem and he started it. You don't have to agree but thats the way it is. If they can prove that by your actions you caused harm to another its on you. People are being held accountable for their actions.

Granted chasing a motorcycle in a suv is not good, however if he was trying to keep it in site till the chopper arrived then he is doing his job. Anyway you go about the officer died and for what a speeding bike, thats the sad part. However everyone that disagrees might think the other way if he was someone you knew or your family.

My prayers go out to the officers family.

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i dont like what is happening to the biker because if I'm on my bike and im doing say 80mph and a cop is chasing me that Im 100% unaware of and gets into an accident, i dont really feel responsible.


The question i have to ask is : When is it considered a chase and when is it just considered that the officer has to make it known to the person being pursed that they are in fact a target of pursuit???

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So what happens it say the lightbulb on a street light goes out, and people die in an accident.


If people kept passing on the blame it would go like this.


The city

the company that designed the stop light

then the company that specifically made the lightbulb.


can you hold the CEO of the company that made the light bulb because it failed?

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Not the kids fault, to me. The cop should not have chased him. If I remember correctly, NY has a no pursuit policy, along with MD. It's unfortunate it happened and the cop would not have died, if it had not been for the kid, but to charge the kid with that is not right.
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i dont like what is happening to the biker because if I'm on my bike and im doing say 80mph and a cop is chasing me that Im 100% unaware of and gets into an accident, i dont really feel responsible.


The question i have to ask is : When is it considered a chase and when is it just considered that the officer has to make it known to the person being pursed that they are in fact a target of pursuit???



First off if your doing 80 mph then your breaking the law. You can argue it any way you like if your over the speed limit then your breaking the law. If your doing 80 mph and you know your doing 80 mph and you see those little red and blue lights behind you that everyone prays is not for them then slow down and pray that he is going aftersomeone else. You don't speed up. Don't tell me that there is no way that you could be 100% unaware that the cop is after you! If you are a responsible bike rider, as you should be, you have to be 150% AWARE of your surroundings because the average motorist does not look out for you.

The only reason that bikers are getting a bad rap is because of the street racing and the stunting on public roads.

I have many friends who have crotch rockets and harleys some goof of and get caught and the others are cool.

Remember you control your destiny and if in that split second you make the choice to run from the police then you should be prepared to pay for the consequences of your actions.. Your and adult, act like one.

The law is black and white in what it says, it just depends on the officer if he is willing to look at the gray area if he wants to charge you with something!!!

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Guest ohioka24de
sorry if i was a police man in a suv i would just call it in and hope for the good..lol. cause im scared of big trucks as it is rocking and unstable ..ithought those things were to trasnport police equipment why would u make the a cop car thats dumb ..next will be the police busses
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