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Alright over the past several months, I have put on some weight that I am not use to carrying around. In the stomach area. I have a bad habit of not going to sleep until long after I should be. I spend way to much time on cr. I eat and drink pop right before bed. I wake up at the last minute and rush to get to work. I procrastinate more and more. These things are really starting to affect me in a negative way. Is it just getting older? I am 28 but feel alot older than that. My job is very strenuous and fast-paced and the extra weight doesnt help. I felt better when I was smoking 2 packs a day. I am always hungary before bed.I eat every meal of the day like its a dinner meal(huge). I want to call off work every morning. This stuff is really fucking me up. But I cant seem to break these habits.Anyone else go through a similar situation?


Oh and I cant stop hitting the damn snooze button in the morning. And I feel like hell until about 10am everyday. Almost like I am still asleep.

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I used to be a little on the heavy side for my height.. I was 5'8" and about 180-190 lbs and now i'm about 5'10" and 145lbs. All I did was stop drinking so much soda(this means drinking diet if you do drink it) or I drank iced tea, I cut my meal portions down, and made sure if I DID snack.. I ate healthy snacks like apples or bananas. Also another thing you can do if you get the urge to eat is drink a big glass of water.. It will fill you up and it will pass enough time for you to make it to your next meal. Just watch what you eat from now on, you'll notice yourself losing weight slowly and you'll feel alot better about yourself when you know you're losing it. I did absolutely no excercising while I lost all that weight so it can be done. Now that i'm basically all skin and bones, i'm trying to put some muscle weight back on.. lol.
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I managed to switch from drinking 3 - 4 20 oz bottles of mountain dew a day, to only drinking gaterade/powerade. Not the best switch as these are still high in sugar I think? and sodium but all of my stomach problems went away. I used to pop tums like they were candy, now it's incredibly rare that I need one. Also, I've noticed that when I eat before bed I feel hungry in the morning, and when I go to bed hungry I wake up fine. When you eat before going to sleep everything that you ate just gets stored in your body instead of being burned for energy, so that is a pretty big part of weight control. I've heard that you shouldn't eat up to six hours before going to sleep, that may be a bit excessive, but try not to eat at least a few hours before going to sleep. As for the snooze alarm thing, I'm guilty of that. Switching to night shift and going to sleep right when I get home from work fixed that problem, I get as much sleep as I want now and usually wake up right around 3 pm without an alarm.
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I have all of the same problems, I am working on loseing more weight and I was also diagnosed with sleep apnea(sp?) and got a fix for that and that made a big differance. Things that have made it easier for me are go shoping on sunday and planing all of your morning and lunch meals and pack a lunch so you don't find yourself at Mc-e-d's.


Also I can now atest that lack of sleep will kill you whole life If you do nothing but switch to caffene free pop and go to sleep on time that can make it easier to lose weight as I found myself snacking becouse I was tired and not becouse I was hungery.

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packing your lunch is huge.


also excercise. I can't believe how much better i felt after i started to excercise last year.


my parents took salt out of their diet and they feel fantastic. at first u feel like there is no taste but later on u can really taste the food. all they did was remove EXTRA salt from foods and they lost weight and felt more energized.

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Also I can now atest that lack of sleep will kill you whole life If you do nothing but switch to caffene free pop and go to sleep on time that can make it easier to lose weight as I found myself snacking becouse I was tired and not becouse I was hungery.


I'm 18 and have this problem now. I don't have a weight problem or anything, but I don't sleep for shit and always eat way more than I normally would in those late night hours. Hmm...probably not good for the future.

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I think the best thing to do (in the words of my brother the personal trainer) make sure you are eating small meals throughout the day bc you will easily pack on the pounds if your eating one or 2 big meals a day. Eat more protein before you go to bed bc you will eat less bc protein fills you up faster and is better for you to eat anyways. Try some Turkey bc not only are you getting the protein for dinner it will get you sleepy for the night time. Your probably not sleeping much bc of the pop intake, cut that shit out :) When me and my family stopped drinking pop we all lost weight like right away. Good luck hope these few things helped. Oh and try and get some from the wifey at nite its proven to help you get up the next day more energized lol ;)
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I lost around 60 pounds a few years ago just by changing my diet to something similar to FC500 (but, no excercise because I was lazy). I really didn't follow a diet plan of any kind, just fixed my eating habits to include portion control and spreading my food intake out more (several small meals as stated above). That alone combined with no longer drinking pop and drinking near a gallon of water a day really made a drastic difference. I kept that weight of for a few years and recently put 20 pounds back on due to letting my diet slip for too long. I went right back to eating like I had been, and that 20 pounds dropped off in just over a month (I did excercise some this time - and it did make me feel better once I got in a routine).
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