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Where do you guys go canoeing?


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So I'm thinking about taking the family canoeing and I was wondering where you guys would recommend we go. Probably within a 45 min drive. do you guys have any particularly good experiences in the area?




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I've never been, but would like to sometime. One that I always drive by is Trapper John's in Darbydale. There's canoeing in Hocking Hills as well. I'm sure there's many other places, but those are two that I know of.
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I go up to Mohican state park on Route 3, just outside Loudonville. I always go with this place: http://www.mohicanadventures.com/


They have 3 different trips you can take. The river is a very easy and simple river to go down. Great for beginners. The river has some little rapids depending on how much rain they have had recently. The river can get busy on the weekends. I suggest that if you are going to go up on a weekend, be there just as they open up so you basically have the river to your self before all the idiots get out there after noon.

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Mohican gets my vote. I havent done it, but I hear very very good things.


Hey, when can I get that motor stand off of you? I know we had some problems getting together (read: I'm busy and so are you so...) I can just come and get it one night this week if that's cool...


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um just give me a call when you are on your way. If you don't need it immediately I can drop it off this weekend. My last class ever is Friday along with finals and everything. I have my dad's truck again so giving it back won't be an issue.
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Mohican is still pretty good, but not what it used to be. All the beer cans along the banks have kinda spoiled it. If you have your own canoe, go down to Ceaser's Creek Lake, it's a BIG lake, but there's lots of stuff to see, and some great fishing too. Plus it's pretty quiet most of the year.
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Mohican is a great place for family camping/canoeing. I try to hit it at least once a year. Theres also canoeing down by Logan in the Hocking Hills region for some more great family fun. If your into camping, hiking, and otherwise exploring and being outdoors I'd recommend the Hocking Hills as the best place within an hour or so drive.


When I was a boy scout we did 65 miles of the Mohican river and another up that way. It was great fun and a very nice river as long as your not moving down towards the Mohawk Dam. The water seems to stop and go backwards when your about a days row from it.


If you ever wanna hit some white water on some longer camping trips I know of some really great family spots with class 1 - 3 rapids and have done class 5 and 6 rivers as a family as well. the 5 and 6 were definately thrills and we probably shouldn't have been there in rubber canoes.



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The little miami is a blast for cabrewing. Bungee cord the cooler in the center of the canoe, take a nerf football to play with. Plenty of trees and bridges to jump off of. I have no idea how I survived. Its kind of a haul down to cincy/kings island area but man was it fun. LaRosa's pizza afterwards FTW.
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Checked out some of these sites myself being new to Ohio. Hocking Hills looks beautiful. I love hiking off the beaten path and exploring as does my gf. We're definitely going to have to take in some canoeing. I would like to see them all so it's just a matter of what order to goto these places. Keep all the great info coming!
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