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How prepared are you

Guest 614Streets

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I'm straight.


I'm sure a terrorist attack isn't going to harm me much unless they bomb close enough for the explosion to toast me.(May sound selfish but I could give a damn less who dies in what kind of distaster as long as it doesn't effect me or the few people I'd rather not see strugle.)


Otherwise I'm goin to be runnin around the streets stealing cars that people left behind when running to hide. Taking clothes from everystore etc. etc.


The first thing however, is driving the expedition to the nearest gun store and loading up. Seriously how fun would it be for iraq to invade america, by the time they got to Ohio we know there coming. Shit, I could prollly get enough ****as to outnumber them myself. Just gotta steal enough ammo to make up for them missing shots.


I imagine the nights would be pretty fun, throw on some black clothes grab your heater smoke a blunt and roll out into the night. Shit I mean, these is our streets we know what cuts and corners to take advantage of, all the good vantage points. So it should be pretty easy to kill them on a regular basis.


As far as power, power goes out in my neighborhood once a night. I don't know why and its only for a second. And atleast once a month the entire power from like noe-bixby refugee is completely off all the way to brice road. It gets pretty fawkin dark and alot of people get robbed. But from a terrorist standpoint a power outage would be far more devistating to them then me. If they turn the power out, they have no way to keep eyes on everyone.


Really there are a ton of houses in my neighborhood for sale with 5 foot grass. If my neighborhood was an area of attack, wait till night dress in black lay in grass and shoot the fuck out of someone??


My question is what exactly is a terrorist. To me half the police are terrorist.


So you honestly think that there could be an invasion of IRAQI force's? wow calm down GI JOE. Think about it, their terrorist. Their main objective isn't going to be a full on frontal attack on american soil. It will be hit and skip tactics to make the public scared, which worked on 911. They'll bomb a train station or airport or some other public area that will make people go into hiding and afraid to go about their daily lives. Your talking about an all out demolishment of national, state, and local government with no source of defence and/or relief from any said governments.


Yes if a natural disaster and/or terrorist attack does occur it's understandable that we as citizen's should be prepared to take care of ourselves for at least 72 hours. Personally i think it's BS, i'd like to take care of myself for a hell of alot longer than that with no help or dependency on any government aid.


If you truly want to live out your war fantasy's, join the army.

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I'm straight.


I'm sure a terrorist attack isn't going to harm me much unless they bomb close enough for the explosion to toast me.(May sound selfish but I could give a damn less who dies in what kind of distaster as long as it doesn't effect me or the few people I'd rather not see strugle.)


Otherwise I'm goin to be runnin around the streets stealing cars that people left behind when running to hide. Taking clothes from everystore etc. etc.


The first thing however, is driving the expedition to the nearest gun store and loading up. Seriously how fun would it be for iraq to invade america, by the time they got to Ohio we know there coming. Shit, I could prollly get enough ****as to outnumber them myself. Just gotta steal enough ammo to make up for them missing shots.


I imagine the nights would be pretty fun, throw on some black clothes grab your heater smoke a blunt and roll out into the night. Shit I mean, these is our streets we know what cuts and corners to take advantage of, all the good vantage points. So it should be pretty easy to kill them on a regular basis.


As far as power, power goes out in my neighborhood once a night. I don't know why and its only for a second. And atleast once a month the entire power from like noe-bixby refugee is completely off all the way to brice road. It gets pretty fawkin dark and alot of people get robbed. But from a terrorist standpoint a power outage would be far more devistating to them then me. If they turn the power out, they have no way to keep eyes on everyone.


Really there are a ton of houses in my neighborhood for sale with 5 foot grass. If my neighborhood was an area of attack, wait till night dress in black lay in grass and shoot the fuck out of someone??


My question is what exactly is a terrorist. To me half the police are terrorist.




You seriously need to lay off the weed/crack/booze whatever the hell you are on.



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While this is not exactly a prime target for terrorists, you have to remember that BOTH Columbus, because of DFAS and Newark because of what the did and still do at the Newark air base were prime targets of military importance to the USSR and were marked for a multiple warhead strike in the event of a nuclear war. That being said, terrorists are not going to screw with any primairly conservative, gun toting area of the country. Reason is simple, there ARE too many rednecks and militant groups in the midwest and central parts of the country that would immediatly take up arms and if nothing else put up serious resistance to their actions. Area's that are more antigun liberal places, where there are lots of people but few rednecks, or other armed people are better targets for them. Imagine terrorists in South Central LA, those folks kill each other for no specific reason at all. Imagine if they were motivated to repel an enemy force of a dozen or so terrorists... The heads of the terrorists would be sitting on lamp posts, or tied together and thrown over the electric lines like a pair of shoes.
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Otherwise I'm goin to be runnin around the streets stealing cars that people left behind when running to hide. Taking clothes from everystore etc. etc.


The first thing however, is driving the expedition to the nearest gun store and loading up. Seriously how fun would it be for iraq to invade america, by the time they got to Ohio we know there coming. Shit, I could prollly get enough ****as to outnumber them myself. Just gotta steal enough ammo to make up for them missing shots.


I imagine the nights would be pretty fun, throw on some black clothes grab your heater smoke a blunt and roll out into the night. Shit I mean, these is our streets we know what cuts and corners to take advantage of, all the good vantage points. So it should be pretty easy to kill them on a regular basis.

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Im talking about shit hitting the fan. A terrorist attack , stuff that would really disrupt this country. Like the ice storm etc.


Who has a storage box with things like , ammo , gasoline , canned food , kerosene , water ,generators ,matches , candles, batteries , cash , you know the basics.


Just wondering whos prepped or who has thought of it. Really im just asking b/c I went through some pretty nasty hurricanes in florida and I saw and felt first hand what happens when shit hits the fan.


Wouldnt take much for a few cells to wreak havoc on the Police , a few crews nailing power stations and some abombs or whatever. Wouldnt take much for people who have things like that to have control b/c your credit card doesnt do shit w/o electricity.


Just a reminder to stay on your feet if anything.


2 small caliber hand guns, with over a thousand rounds for each, hidden here, (2) 55 gallon drums of fresh pump gas in shop, a few of race gas in and out, One of the tanks in the truck is always kept full, the other normally is never under 1/2 tank, have enough food/water for a few weeks, 2 cords of firewood (cheaper when bought in bulk haha), have a lot of candles/matches/lighters, batteries, have more than I use in a year now, and flashlights are all LED or the hand shake ones, and 99% of my cash is hidden in the house, not lost in the bank. Bring it on.

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I keep seeing money being talked about. Money is possibly going to be meaningless depending on the level of a disaster that we might face. And guns are nice, but a good bow and a couple dozen arrows cooupled with several large knives will feed you alot longer than any gun. It also will draw alot less attention when used than a gun.


Personally, if the shit really did hit the fan, I am loading up and heading east, I know of a couple abandon coal mines along the PA / WVA / Oh borders that would be out of he way enough that no one would bother to go there unless they were also of the same mind set to survive the disaster. So there may or may not be anyone else even around those locations for 5 miles or better. And two of them, there is only two ways into them, one being by air, the other requires 4 wheel drive and would be easy enough to setup trip wires to provide ample 'warning' of anyone coming to visit.


One needs to consider that survival does not necessarily require conflict, and in reality avoiding conflict is a better route to take in the beginning anyhow. No to mention, I have all you dumbshit Rambo wannabe's that will keep the attention of any invading force long enough to simply slip away.


I wonder, in the even of a nuclear weapon being detonated in Columbus, and the resulting EMP that would kill all cell phones, electronic ignitions and computer controlled cars, how many of you are ready, and able to communicate with out the use of cell phones or land line telephones? And how many of you are ready to get a car going that an EMP would not effect?

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