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Those of you w/ widescreen TVs - question


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I'm looking at a 50'' Sony TV that my g/f and I saw at Best Buy today and we really liked it -- I have a question about playing DVDs on one of these televisions though -- will "fullscreen" DVDs look jacked up? Most of my DVDs are full screen so I figure if they're going to look screwed up then I better not waste the $$ on a widescreen TV.


Thanks very much.

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check and see on the back of the dvds if they are anamorphic, if so there is no worries. Also if you want I work at the circuit city on polaris pkwy and if you want bring you movie in and Ill connect it up to the tv with one our gagillion dvd players, that way we can really find out what it may look like on the tv. And ill get you a slighty better price!
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