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I loved chipotle, till today


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watching a documentary on Discovery channel about ground zero and what took place over those 102 minutes


exactly 19 minutes into the documentary they show 3 or 4 guys trapped in an elevator, one guy goes to push the buttons (like any person would) and there in his hand is non other then a Chipotle Cup....


just like any other type of forced advertising they zoom into the cup and then past it to the guy, it doesnt say Chipotle, but the recognizeable burito picture on white cup is a definate give away


what a fucking sick plug for chipotle... way to capitolize on a historical and devistating disaster....

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I haven't seen this show personally, but are you sure it's a Chipotle icon? Maybe they meant it to be a generic burrito picture and it happens to look like the Chipotle one? Is it wrapped in foil just like the one on their cups?


If it is then that is a pretty low plug.

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I thought this was going to be a post about the news report about how 6 people in the past 3 months have gotten ecoli poisoning from 3 different Chipotle places around Columbus...


No shit.. or maybe a finger or some shit.


this thread does NOT deliver..

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oh ill still eat there, just a bad bad plug


i didnt know about the ecoli thing goin on, but what do you expect from a mexican run (most of em) restuarant where if there is a fly in the lettuce they merely pick it out and throw it on the ground. no changing of gloves or replacing the lettuce

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oh ill still eat there, just a bad bad plug


i didnt know about the ecoli thing goin on, but what do you expect from a mexican run (most of em) restuarant where if there is a fly in the lettuce they merely pick it out and throw it on the ground. no changing of gloves or replacing the lettuce

Hell, I'm sure everyone has had worse happen to their food that they just don't know about. I just try not to think about it.

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shame on all of you, taking chipotle for granted. out here in boston we're not so fortunate as to have chipotle in all its glory. we have to deal with "qdoba" which is an ample substitute, but still does not deliver the 1200 calorie, stomach-churning love that a chipotle burrito can. if anyone would like to help, you can send a box of chipotle burritos to Alex Caxide, Box 7166 (not PO Box...just Box) 91 Bay State rd, Boston, MA, 02215. I take mine with chicken, black beans, corn+ a little hot salsa, sour cream, and lots of cheese.
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shame on all of you, taking chipotle for granted. out here in boston we're not so fortunate as to have chipotle in all its glory. we have to deal with "qdoba" which is an ample substitute, but still does not deliver the 1200 calorie, stomach-churning love that a chipotle burrito can. if anyone would like to help, you can send a box of chipotle burritos to Alex Caxide, Box 7166 (not PO Box...just Box) 91 Bay State rd, Boston, MA, 02215. I take mine with chicken, black beans, corn+ a little hot salsa, sour cream, and lots of cheese.


Maybe you should just start your own. Theres big money in chipotle now.

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Qdoba is better anyway. More fresh and they have brownies.




Qdoba has better veggies...their lettuce is good, and their cheese is fresh and they also have a helluvalot better selection, but the meat isn't as good and the cilatro rice at chipotle pwns all.

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I haven't seen this show personally, but are you sure it's a Chipotle icon? Maybe they meant it to be a generic burrito picture and it happens to look like the Chipotle one? Is it wrapped in foil just like the one on their cups?


If it is then that is a pretty low plug.


if it was a coincidence it was one hell of one, the forced advertiseing of it though says other wise


dude wasnt holding a random cup, he was holding it with the label blatently facing the camera, with his arm at an unnatural placement for anyone with anything other than a broken shoulder, it was forced

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Guest FooFooMaru

This thread makes me want chipotle. My g/f has a free coupon and I might go tonight.


But if that's TRUE TRUE FACT FACT, then wow it's gay. But the evidence is too thin and it may NOT be them...But I don't know.


That sucks if true though :nono:

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Guest FooFooMaru
come to think of it, me too. I think im gonna go before work.


Just got backa bout 30 min ago from Chipotle here in Dayton. Mhmmmm, steak burrito. It was soooo delicious.




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