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So I havent had a cigg today v. trying to quit


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Woke up this morning and decided to say fuck smoking. So far so good but, I have already went through 2 packs of gum lol. I just hope I can hold off and actually quit this time. I figure as long as I stay away from beer I should be able to quit but who knows.


Any successful quitters here? Cold turkey?

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Hey Congrats on quitting. :D You'll notice in a few days that everything will taste differently and you'll be able to breathe. My BF GearSlamminStang quit smokin cold turkey and he always talks about how he can actually taste his food and when he feels better when he works out...


Hope everything works out for ya

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I need to do this aswell. Though I haven't been smoking as long as you guys, almost 3 years for me now. Started when I was 17 but oh well....Its very easy when you run out of money and have none left. Then I just beg people at work lol....I have went cold turkey for almost a week and then not even thinking I lit up when I was drinking. Damn.....damn them to hell!
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I smoke when I'm in the car, thats usually it. At most I smoke 3 cigs a day. Then I wont smoke for like a week or something like that. I'm a random smoker. However I have noticed that when I actually TRY to stay away from them. I gotta have one.


p.s. - Jaclyn, that pack that I bought when I went to waffle house with Hoblick...I just finished that. So NOW its cold turkey again. :D

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Yeah yeah yeah haha... I was refering more to the time when you quit when we first started dating....you random smoker you!! haha ;)


I smoke when I'm in the car, thats usually it. At most I smoke 3 cigs a day. Then I wont smoke for like a week or something like that. I'm a random smoker. However I have noticed that when I actually TRY to stay away from them. I gotta have one.


p.s. - Jaclyn, that pack that I bought when I went to waffle house with Hoblick...I just finished that. So NOW its cold turkey again. :D

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I quit on December 28th, 2003 after smoking since I was 15. I got an upper respiratory infection on Christmas Eve; so for the next three days I couldn't smoke if I wanted to. When I got better I simply said "Well, three days, I'm done." and never looked back.


Social situations were and still are the worst. I still crave cigarettes when I'm in a social situation, almost three years later. I will occasionally have a cigar, but I don't inhale, and it's mostly for the smell and flavor and the "motion" of smoking cigarettes. But I only have a cigar maybe two or three times a year.


Just keep yourself cool in social situations and you’ll be fine. Find something else to do to keep your mind off of it.

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Yea, I will prolly be trying to quit soon too. Someone once told me that after three days that the nicotine is out of your system. After that its just the actual habit of smoking. One trick you can try is if you really want a smoke, smell a dirty ashtray. I was told that it was supposed to help you not want one. good luck.
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Just keep yourself cool in social situations and you’ll be fine. Find something else to do to keep your mind off of it.

Make bad passes at strange women. It gives you something to do to keep yourself occupied while your friends smoke and the slaps across the face are like a bonus distraction.

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for a few years i smoked a pack or two a day... then i decided i needed to stop to save money. so i started rolling cigarettes (cheaper, slightly healthier, harder to chain smoke) but i started going through a pack of tobacco a day. from the day i moved back to the states to the day i went back to italy to visit (1 year later) i didnt smoke a single cig. from the day i got off the plane in italy to the day i flew back to the states, 2 packs a day. then for a year, i didnt smoke a single cig. working in a garage made me start though, and i have been at about a pack and a half each day. just recently i started rolling again... and it does help.
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