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Shave your ass?


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After reading the shower shit thread, I figured I would try to entertain you with what I did to my kid.


Back in Janurary my 17 yr old son moved back in with me. About a month goes by and I am realizing my razor keeps getting moved around and Keith Jr is bitching about his face breaking out. So I am in the shower, beat on the wall and hollar for the wife to bring me a fresh razor becsue the one I been using is dull. Get through showering, out into the living room and ask Keith Jr, 'Hey, you ain't been using my razor right?' NO dad... "ok well that's good because I forgot to throw it away the last time I shaved the hair outof my ass." Of course this is met with silence. "why would you do that?" he finally ask. "Oh, I break out from time to time, and get dingle berries in the hair, so I just shave it. It keeps it cleaner." Of course I don't do this, but he don't know that. He gets a horrified look in his eyes and starts rubing his face and cussing me.


You know, he ain't used my razor since.

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After reading the shower shit thread, I figured I would try to entertain you with what I did to my kid.


Back in Janurary my 17 yr old son moved back in with me. About a month goes by and I am realizing my razor keeps getting moved around and Keith Jr is bitching about his face breaking out. So I am in the shower, beat on the wall and hollar for the wife to bring me a fresh razor becsue the one I been using is dull. Get through showering, out into the living room and ask Keith Jr, 'Hey, you ain't been using my razor right?' NO dad... "ok well that's good because I forgot to throw it away the last time I shaved the hair outof my ass." Of course this is met with silence. "why would you do that?" he finally ask. "Oh, I break out from time to time, and get dingle berries in the hair, so I just shave it. It keeps it cleaner." Of course I don't do this, but he don't know that. He gets a horrified look in his eyes and starts rubing his face and cussing me.


You know, he ain't used my razor since.


Hahaha, awesome. I told one of my old roomates after suspecting him of using my electric shaver about how I used the trimmer on my pubic area in the shower. Didn't look like anyone touched it anymore after that.

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Damn I hate dingle berries with a passion. I hate when I get them at work. Have to walk around all day with what feels like pebbles rubbing between your ass cheeeks. Then you have to put up with coworkers asking you if your ripping ass everytime you walk by them. I cant stand that.
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Damn I hate dingle berries with a passion. I hate when I get them at work. Have to walk around all day with what feels like pebbles rubbing between your ass cheeeks. Then you have to put up with coworkers asking you if your ripping ass everytime you walk by them. I cant stand that.


Honestly, I've never had that problem. lol

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Damn I hate dingle berries with a passion. I hate when I get them at work. Have to walk around all day with what feels like pebbles rubbing between your ass cheeeks. Then you have to put up with coworkers asking you if your ripping ass everytime you walk by them. I cant stand that.


i always thought of dingleberries as being bigger than just little pebbles...i always referred to what you get as "mulchy-butt"

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