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Screw you Red Hot Chili Peppers


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Hail to the victors lol...you all are lame, you hate a band because their drummer wore a Michigan jersey. If that ruined an entire concert for you, are you going cut your wrists if OSU loses on Nov. 18th? If RHCP goes to Ann Arbor I bet the drummer wears a OSU jersey. Grow up people, it's just college kids throwing a ball around. :gay:


Edit: The whole funny part is that he wore it to get the reaction you all have right now posting in this forum, way to buy into the joke hook line and sinker and give them the publicity they wanted. If you all were smart (which most OSU fans clearly are not), you would have not even acknowledged it...... Sadly this un-news worthy event most likely will be on the news tonight pre- empting a cop being shot or some one that was killed, because, OH my god, it is related to "The Buckeyes", the all mighty gods of Columbus. I so hope they fucking lose on Nov 18th, Maybe there will be a mass suicide....



#1- Nice win in the WS there bandwagon boy....


#2- It's not the fact of, Oh Ohio State better win blah blah blah.... It's the fact that people IN COLUMBUS paid money to see their band... not to have them come out in michigan jersey's and play "Hail To The Victors"...


That is like coming out and saying, HEY COLUMBUS, FUCK YOU!!!


Now if they went on a tv show and did that, hey who cares...


I found it very disrespectful to the fans who paid their money to go to the show

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Hail to the victors lol...you all are lame, you hate a band because their drummer wore a Michigan jersey. If that ruined an entire concert for you, are you going cut your wrists if OSU loses on Nov. 18th? If RHCP goes to Ann Arbor I bet the drummer wears a OSU jersey. Grow up people, it's just college kids throwing a ball around. :gay:


Edit: The whole funny part is that he wore it to get the reaction you all have right now posting in this forum, way to buy into the joke hook line and sinker and give them the publicity they wanted. If you all were smart (which most OSU fans clearly are not), you would have not even acknowledged it...... Sadly this un-news worthy event most likely will be on the news tonight pre- empting a cop being shot or some one that was killed, because, OH my god, it is related to "The Buckeyes", the all mighty gods of Columbus. I so hope they fucking lose on Nov 18th, Maybe there will be a mass suicide....


Well said!


Dear Livejournal,

Tonight, Red Hot Chili Peppers insulted my favorite sports team! They wore a jersey and played a song that made me feel sad inside, so I went home and listened to Slipknot for 46 straight hours. I feel much better, but I can't help but cry for the bastards that made fun of me. Thanks Livejournal, you're always here for me.


Seriously, you fucks, get a grip.


1) Whether you like them or not, RHCP is one of the most influential bands of the last 15 years, and Flea is definitely one of the best bassists around. He's not the same as others, but saying flea sucks is like saying Vic Wooten, Jaco Pastorius, or Les Claypool suck just because you don't like the bands they play in.



2) Where the FUCK on the tickets did it say that you were guaranteed to love every moment of the show? And where is there a license agreement that says people are not allowed to promote sports teams they like wherever they want in any way they want. Would you guys be a bunch of crying pussies if Kiss played a show in Ann Arbor wearing OSU jerseys because people payed good money to see a show and were disappointed?


I honestly can't believe you guys are whining and complaining about something so fucking insignificant. Yeah, it may be the greatest rivalry in sports but why not laugh it the fuck off instead of getting on the rag about it.

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:lol: I was watching the Tigers in Tiger Stadium before you were fucking born LJ. Are you seriously going to say Det. sucks because they lost the world series? They are ALCS Champions you know. Seems to me the buckeyes are the shit on this board even when they don't win a National Championship. I think someone needs to pick their e-battles a little more carefully.....
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Well........I say to hell w/ the RHCP homos.....I've never liked them or their music and never will.


Who gives a fuck what they think.....all they can do is play an instrument and sing like crap........so STFU and do that.


To hell w/ them.

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I like Jaco, and Wooten, and Claypool. And the bands they're in. Flea and RHCP just suck. it seems to be the same swill every album. Chris Wolstenholme of Muse is a much more creative player. uses distortion, flange, various effects. Flea just slaps. I don't like his style or the band much if at all.
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I like Jaco, and Wooten, and Claypool. And the bands they're in. Flea and RHCP just suck. it seems to be the same swill every album. Chris Wolstenholme of Muse is a much more creative player. uses distortion, flange, various effects. Flea just slaps. I don't like his style or the band much if at all.

Slap bass is actually a pretty respected style, but I do have to agree with you; I love Wolstenholme and bassists that use effects and shit, the best of which is Justin Chancellor.

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you want some sick newer metal, listen to Mastodon and Mogwai, a couple of the bands my cousin (Jeff Caxide, bassist for Isis) has toured with. He said one of his fondest memories is shotgunning beers in a hotel room with the Mogwai guys at 4am after a show. God I wish i was a rocker.
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