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If your mobile PDA or phone could do anything...


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i think there's one being developed right now, but I think an idea that would be immensely popular would be an Apple cell phone derived exclusively from the iPod. Something with that type of theme would sell really well IMO.


other than that, i think one with a really good voice record feature would be cool...in college i'd probably use a voice recorder (and have actually thought about getting one of those adapter things for my iPod) as i sleep through class and sometimes want to re-hear lectures.

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as my PDA phone one of the things i would like is a IM app. I can't find a AIM subsitute for it that works.


Another nice things would be a check pointe VPN client.


A wep cracker so when im out doing PENN TEST I can break in without a laptop to show the ease .


and well doom for my cell


I've got a PPC-6700 + 1gig card


It wruns CE 5

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I want a pda that has removeable memory, push email, most likely windows mobile or something that can sink with out look, do need a camera, broadband speeds, decent size screen, full qwerty keyboard, good batery life speaker phone, bluetooth, real ring tones, bright. That is all for now.
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X2.....I have a Treo 650 and a Blackberry.....The BB is much better at email but sucks at everything else...the Treo crashes and reboots 1-2 times per day, but has a better calander and contacts mgt....good aftermarket. Palms memory mgt sucks.



Invest your time in making the damn thing work. Make calls, get calls, good battery life.


I want a better texting interface.

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