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If anyone needs help choosing, these are some that will work.


Attorney General:

Betty Montgomery


Congressional Races:


Rep. Pat Tiberi

Rep. Deborah Price

Rep. Steve Chabot

Rep. Steve La Tourette

Rep. Paul Gillmor

Rep. David Hobson

Candidate: Jim Jordan

Rep: John Boehner



*I'm not getting into an E debate. If you don't like the suggestions make your own.

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I voted democratic, just because i think ohio does need a change, and im sick of some of the people in office.


i got in early, expecting lines...after going to 3 desks to get in, find out that because i didnt change my address w/ the board of elections when i moved, i had to get a provisional ballot, still voted. hopefully the min wage goes up, and smoking in bars is ok (yes on 4, no on 5)

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I voted democratic, just because i think ohio does need a change, and im sick of some of the people in office.


i got in early, expecting lines...after going to 3 desks to get in, find out that because i didnt change my address w/ the board of elections when i moved, i had to get a provisional ballot, still voted. hopefully the min wage goes up, and smoking in bars is ok (yes on 4, no on 5)


I respect your opinion. Change for the sake of change is never good. (in my opinion) As a lifelong republican, I came so close to jumping party lines, but in the end I voted for the lesser or two evils.


Why do you want the min wage to go up? This issue is govt putting a stranglehold on free enterprise. All the unions will start bitching and moaning because they are getting paid a lower percentage above min wage. They will demand higher pay and business will flee the state.


Scarcity of money ,my friend. All of the sudden, a dollar isnt worth what used to be worth because more people have em. Prices jump, inflation etc.


Go to school, get an education, and get a raise based on your abilities.



*Dont want to start an e-debate either.*

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If anyone needs help choosing, these are some that will work.


Attorney General:

Betty Montgomery


Congressional Races:


Rep. Pat Tiberi

Rep. Deborah Price

Rep. Steve Chabot

Rep. Steve La Tourette

Rep. Paul Gillmor

Rep. David Hobson

Candidate: Jim Jordan

Rep: John Boehner



*I'm not getting into an E debate. If you don't like the suggestions make your own.


ha I cancelled your vote out.

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I respect your opinion. Change for the sake of change is never good. (in my opinion) As a lifelong republican, I came so close to jumping party lines, but in the end I voted for the lesser or two evils.


Why do you want the min wage to go up? This issue is govt putting a stranglehold on free enterprise. All the unions will start bitching and moaning because they are getting paid a lower percentage above min wage. They will demand higher pay and business will flee the state.


Scarcity of money ,my friend. All of the sudden, a dollar isnt worth what used to be worth because more people have em. Prices jump, inflation etc.


Go to school, get an education, and get a raise based on your abilities.



*Dont want to start an e-debate either.*

Hahahaha man, I couldn't help but laugh at that last sentence. You can't honestly expect to say a bunch of inflammatory things like that and then say you're not trying to step on any toes.


While I definitely agree with a lot of what you say (I was raised a fiscal conservative, social liberal like many people in my generation), sometimes change for the sake of change is a good thing. This administration has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is A) incapable of handling social issues with any grace whatsoever and B) fucking HORRIBLE at limiting corruption and inappropriate behavoir, and I'm not just talking about Republicans. According to sources I've seen (referenced from both cnn.com and bbc.co.uk) about 3/4 of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe that Congress has lost touch with the public that voted them into office. We need a limit of the number of terms a Senator or State Representative can be elected. With a ridiculous incumbency re-election rate, Congresspeople have grown used to the idea that they can do pretty much whatever the fuck they want, and then run a scare campaign 2 or 6 years later saying "if you vote ______ into office, the foreigners will invade, the Dollar will drop to the value of the Yen, and Ted Kennedy will come rape your children." That's all I've seen in Massachusetts...I made a conscious decision not to vote because all the fuckers here are corrupt and full of shit. Not a single candidate here has earned my vote. I understand Ohio is much different because it carries so much weight in terms of what goes on in the U.S. (in all but 2 of the presidential elections in the 20th century, Ohio has voted in favor of the winning candidate). That said, I think people need not look at what a candidate promises, because we all know that promises made during a campaign for election are about as reliable as a "I swear, I'll pull out!" I think we really need to look at the character of the candidate. Did you vote for a guy because he says things you want to hear, even though he's just been indicted on grand larceny charges? Or did you vote for the guy that may not stand for everything you do, but you voted for him because you think he is a man of the people, who is in touch with his community?

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They will demand higher pay and business will flee the state.


Sorry but I don't see Ohio business fleeing because minumin wage will be $6.85 an hour. Ohio companies like Cardinal Health, Procter & Gamble, and Nationwide for example will not flee the state because the majority of their employees are making well above miniumin wage unless they are really upset they have to pay the janitors and lunch ladies more.


This is mostly going to effect places like Walmart, fast food etc... I dont' see Walmart or McDonalds feeing Ohio anytime soon.

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Sorry but I don't see Ohio business fleeing because minumin wage will be $6.85 an hour. Ohio companies like Cardinal Health, Procter & Gamble, and Nationwide for example will not flee the state because the majority of their employees are making well above miniumin wage unless they are really upset they have to pay the janitors and lunch ladies more.


This is mostly going to effect places like Walmart, fast food etc... I dont' see Walmart or McDonalds feeing Ohio anytime soon.




Unionized business may. I've been a part of a union. I understand some of their thinking. They believe they are entitled to specific compensation. My theory is salary margin just shrunk from the "lowest of the low" They will want to renegotiate based on the fact that their "buying power" just shrunk.


Businesses have to either pay them and raise prices or leave and keep expenses low. Just my theory.


10xworse, unlike yourself, I agree with everything you said. (instead of you agreeing with most of my thoughts! :) )


The current admin is all of the things you called it and more. Here is what motivated my vote. Security and the economy. I believe the GOP is stronger on security and I believe the economy is heading in the right direction. I may be completely wrong, but that's how I feel.


So I had to vote based on my important issues. If a Dem had an actual thought that made sense on either of these issues, they would get my vote. Instead, it was a "BUSH BASH" for 6 months and no real ideas were discussed.


Just my .02. As long as you voted, feel free to disagree. I just think this election should be a wake up call to whatever party wins. America is tired of partisan politics.


BTW, Alex, were they really that inflammatory? LOL

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I voted today and it was republican because those candidates fit my beliefs. Had someone else fit what I want they would earn my vote instead. I think people have been voting certain ways in this election for the wrong reasons. Making this election a referendum on the current president isn't correct. I disagree with a lot of things he has done, but these people are not him. Simply voting for someone because they are not a member of the party in power is wrong. People need to start taking voting seriously. People need to stop voting party lines and start researching and deciding what they believe is best for our country and vote for the candidate that best fits their view.
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Voted....almost fell for Strickland....Almost.. :rolleyes:



I'm sure "Taxin Ted" is heartbroken. Ask me how much I hated voting for Blackwell though!


I want to believe our political system will generate quality leadership...I just need proof.

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