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doesnt matter if they are in HS or not. 5.15/hr as a minimum wage is BS. gas is at 2.35/gallon (today), a cheap 1 bedroom apartment is going to run you 400$, maybe more, utilities and transportation bring that up even more...do you seriously think if you lost your job tomorrow, you could survive on a min wage job at 5.15/hr? i know i couldnt...and while 6.85 would be hard to live on as well, figure thats another ~3700$/yr... i know it wouldnt help much, but it would help some


also, i believe it said that min wage will be adjusted every year acording to inflation, which it should have all along. i think min wage was 5.15 when i started working in HS, and 6 years later, its still the same

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Guest Mushijobah

Gas is at 2.07. A shitty apartment near a shitty ass job that actually pays 5.15 is probably about 150 a month. If you are making 5.15 consistently, and have no chance/aspiration of getting a raise...you should not be driving. So don't even worry about gas, or car payments. Chances are you are retarded if that is the case also. Minimum wage is rare and even rarer for people who are capable of doing better. If you cannot do better but are capable, you are lazy my friend. And if you are not capable of holding a job over 5.15, you might want to remember where you live. It probably is at a care center for the MRDD.



PS, the economies main measurable health factors are at great levels under Bush. DOW closed at around 12,100 today (well above clinton era) and national unemployment is at 4.5%, arguably it's lowest ever.

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america is sick of the republican party. iraq is hurting them but the scandals the last couple months have absolutely killed them. most polls show 55-60% of americans voting for democrats in congressional races. sorry to you diehard republicans.. you had your chance and blew it.
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maybe gas is 2.07 at a couple stations, but at my lunch break driving from the airport, thru gahanna, and into blacklick, and back to work down broad, the cheapest gas was 2.34/gal


good luck finiding an appt for 150$. even the shitty places around main/james are 300-350/mo

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doesnt matter if they are in HS or not. 5.15/hr as a minimum wage is BS. gas is at 2.35/gallon (today), a cheap 1 bedroom apartment is going to run you 400$, maybe more, utilities and transportation bring that up even more...do you seriously think if you lost your job tomorrow, you could survive on a min wage job at 5.15/hr? i know i couldnt...and while 6.85 would be hard to live on as well, figure thats another ~3700$/yr... i know it wouldnt help much, but it would help some


also, i believe it said that min wage will be adjusted every year acording to inflation, which it should have all along. i think min wage was 5.15 when i started working in HS, and 6 years later, its still the same


while min wage is low its very easy to walk into numberous $10 an hr. jobs in columbus.

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america is sick of the republican party. iraq is hurting them but the scandals the last couple months have absolutely killed them. most polls show 55-60% of americans voting for democrats in congressional races. sorry to you diehard republicans.. you had your chance and blew it.

This is the kinda partisan bullshit ruining America. Voting shouldn't be party vs. party but rather who can get the shit done and done well. You're no better then thick-skulled Republicans. If you havn't noticed politicians in general are becoming more corrupt, not Repbulicans, so kindly GTFO.

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Guest Zoomtard
I respect your opinion. Change for the sake of change is never good. (in my opinion) As a lifelong republican, I came so close to jumping party lines, but in the end I voted for the lesser or two evils.


Why do you want the min wage to go up? This issue is govt putting a stranglehold on free enterprise. All the unions will start bitching and moaning because they are getting paid a lower percentage above min wage. They will demand higher pay and business will flee the state.


Scarcity of money ,my friend. All of the sudden, a dollar isnt worth what used to be worth because more people have em. Prices jump, inflation etc.


Go to school, get an education, and get a raise based on your abilities.



*Dont want to start an e-debate either.*



I love your excuses for not raising minimum wage, I really do. Basically, it amounts to you and others letting yourselves be controlled by corporations who do what they want in order to exploit workers for higher profits. These stores are fully capable of paying employees a LIVING WAGE without really taking a hit if they were to make some adjustments in pricing. No, that doesn't mean 8.00 for an orange, that means a few cents more per item, and that's it. Republicans are always touting trickle down economics, which are GREAT in theory, but they don't work. In order for this system to work, big businesses have to have some sort of sense of social responsibility, which they do not. What actually gets done is that new, low wage jobs are created, where unskilled laborers bust their asses in order to make said company even richer. Basically, the rich get rich, the poor get poorer. Ahh, gotta love the American dream, right?

This garbage about devaluing the dollar is typical republican rhetoric, you just use it as an excuse because you don't care about the poor people in our society. Your solution to fixing poverty? "get an education." Then who is going to work all of those shit jobs at Wal-mart and McDonalds? Mexicans and Somalis, YAY!

I already know what your response is going to be: "Typical liberal, always wanting to raise prices and taxes." I guess that's true to an extent, but then again I care about the working poor in this country, and keeping minimum wage the same does NOTHING to help them.

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This is the kinda partisan bullshit ruining America. Voting shouldn't be party vs. party but rather who can get the shit done and done well. You're no better then thick-skulled Republicans. If you havn't noticed politicians in general are becoming more corrupt, not Repbulicans, so kindly GTFO.


first off, i agree w/ the second sentence. most people are born republican or democrat, which is a very dangerous tradition.


and no, i guess i havent noticed that politicians are becoming more corrupt. apparently american history just wasnt your subject. (boss tweed, grant, teapot dome, credit mobilier, whiskey ring, iran contra, watergate)


your ignorance has truely amazed me. :thumbup:

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i really beleive that there ought to be a "neither" button. as in, "i think both of these candidates suck".

There was a button for that you git, it said "Peirce"! ;)

Seriously, if everyone who actually want him to win would have voted for him, he'd be governor. 80% of voters didn't want a D or an R in office, but they feel that a third party vote is a wasted vote, stoopit. People need to vote for who they want, not for who they think will win, and certainly not on party lines.

I'm honnestly getting pissed off at all of you guys bitching about who you voted for, there was another choice. Want change? Vote for change, REAL change, not just a change in labels.

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first off, i agree w/ the second sentence. most people are born republican or democrat, which is a very dangerous tradition.


and no, i guess i havent noticed that politicians are becoming more corrupt. apparently american history just wasnt your subject. (boss tweed, grant, teapot dome, credit mobilier, whiskey ring, iran contra, watergate)


your ignorance has truely amazed me. :thumbup:

American history isn't my major but I've already had more of it than you have. Your democratic-one-sidedness amazes me. How have a couple of sex-deprived politicians brought down the GOP? Only a democrat would take something like today and beat off to it, such as you, 8 cylinder fuel consumption-man.

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doesnt matter if they are in HS or not. 5.15/hr as a minimum wage is BS. gas is at 2.35/gallon (today), a cheap 1 bedroom apartment is going to run you 400$, maybe more, utilities and transportation bring that up even more...do you seriously think if you lost your job tomorrow, you could survive on a min wage job at 5.15/hr? i know i couldnt...and while 6.85 would be hard to live on as well, figure thats another ~3700$/yr... i know it wouldnt help much, but it would help some


also, i believe it said that min wage will be adjusted every year acording to inflation, which it should have all along. i think min wage was 5.15 when i started working in HS, and 6 years later, its still the same




Ever herd of a nice thing called inflation.... If you don't understand that READ THE WORDING..... It gives up so much privacy, It increases with the CMI, What does this mean ? It means every year it increases there by increasing the rate further of inflation...........


so instead of the little guy getting help , He screws everyone else because you better damn well believe raises for salaried people will go up accordingly . And the lower income person don't get shit because the inflation rate (Price of which things raise) will be higher.



And for more fun, I know my first job was to teach myself about money, A HS student don't "NEED" all the shit they got now, If your planning on your HS job to be the job you use to rent a appartment then maybe you should rethink your life outlook, or enlist.


College students that are striving i understand but they don't usaly make min wage eather.


sorry for such a long winded misttyped rant. BTW I hate bush, 10hr jobs are not that hard to find. And 3200$ a year to raise the over all inflation is not worth it to the rest of us. I could not loose my job and live off of a min job.. I would make more on unemployment till i could get back into my field.

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Gas is at 2.07. A shitty apartment near a shitty ass job that actually pays 5.15 is probably about 150 a month. If you are making 5.15 consistently, and have no chance/aspiration of getting a raise...you should not be driving. So don't even worry about gas, or car payments. Chances are you are retarded if that is the case also. Minimum wage is rare and even rarer for people who are capable of doing better. If you cannot do better but are capable, you are lazy my friend. And if you are not capable of holding a job over 5.15, you might want to remember where you live. It probably is at a care center for the MRDD.



PS, the economies main measurable health factors are at great levels under Bush. DOW closed at around 12,100 today (well above clinton era) and national unemployment is at 4.5%, arguably it's lowest ever.



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How have a couple of sex-deprived politicians brought down the GOP? Only a democrat would take something like today and beat off to it, such as you, 8 cylinder fuel consumption-man.



republicans all over called for his resignation. remember ken starr??


please stop talking. your making a fool out of yourself.

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republicans all over called for his resignation. remember ken starr??


please stop talking. your making a fool out of yourself.

But I didn't sink so low as to denounce the whole donkey party, did I? I never once stuck up for Republicans then either. You're still stuck in your red vs. blue bullshit. Good luck with your life if you look at it as 2 different species of humans.

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in before the move to the kitchen...


Look, no matter who the fuck you vote for there all crooks !


Bush Kills americans with his stupid war that was unfounded sorry they tried to kill your dad but sending us over to do your work get off you fucking ass and do it your self don't make up shit.



Bush the president in the last century that we've lost the most rights under... Patriot act.... DMCA (I can't legaly play a fucking dvd in linux !! whats that about?) and whats this ??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habeas_corpus yeah rember it because we don't have it.

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Guest Mushijobah
BuckeyeGT has a deep hatred for people who are more privledged than he. I proved it. Don't worry about him. PS both his parents are hard core liberals, he learned from the best :gay:
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