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Wait... some of you actually voted for Blackwell?


I am confident that Mr. Wiggs would be the only CR member that would benefit from his planned policies.

He's better than Fitrakis. I met Fitrakis in my Political Radicalism class a couple years ago and he's so far left it's not even funny. And that mullet just gets annoying.

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Gas is at 2.07. A shitty apartment near a shitty ass job that actually pays 5.15 is probably about 150 a month. If you are making 5.15 consistently, and have no chance/aspiration of getting a raise...you should not be driving. So don't even worry about gas, or car payments. Chances are you are retarded if that is the case also. Minimum wage is rare and even rarer for people who are capable of doing better. If you cannot do better but are capable, you are lazy my friend. And if you are not capable of holding a job over 5.15, you might want to remember where you live. It probably is at a care center for the MRDD.



Couldn't of said it any better myself :)

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He's better than Fitrakis. I met Fitrakis in my Political Radicalism class a couple years ago and he's so far left it's not even funny. And that mullet just gets annoying.


I don't care who becomes governor, so long as Fitrakis gets less than 1% of the vote. That guy is a crackpot conspiracy theorist commie.

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Unfortunately I missed the voting by 2 days (I'm 18 on Thursday)


Im pretty sure there is a law in place that states something like if your birthday falls within a week of the election you can vote in it. Although that doesnt matter so much now lol.

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Guest Mushijobah
I hear'd he ran so that, for whatever reason, he could sue Blackewell over the outcome. That's a sharp mo'fo right thar!



Typical liberal. Go suck some trial lawyer cock.

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In order for this system to work, big businesses have to have some sort of sense of social responsibility, which they do not.



This is the difference between Democratic and Republican philosophies in a nutshell.


Dems: Someone else should take care of you.


GOP: Take care of yourself.


I'm just curious. Tell me why a privately owned corporation "owes" you anything? Where is it written that you deserve anything from someone else? Why is it "Mr. Business Owner's" job to take care of you?


Dont like it? Go to work for yourself. It's your kind of thinking that stifles growth and small business.


I know, I'm such a cold hearted conservative...blah blah blah. To me, social responsibility is code for socialism. Socialism is one election away from communism.

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even though im a non smoker, and asthmatic, i voted yes on 4, no on 5. controlling who can smoke in bars, bingo halls, etc is BS. that should be something individual owners could set rules for. i think its BS people cant go into a bar, drink a beer, and smoke a cigarette
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even though im a non smoker, and asthmatic, i voted yes on 4, no on 5. controlling who can smoke in bars, bingo halls, etc is BS. that should be something individual owners could set rules for. i think its BS people cant go into a bar, drink a beer, and smoke a cigarette

I think it'd be bullshit to go into a bar and not be able to breath plain, clean air.

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even though im a non smoker, and asthmatic, i voted yes on 4, no on 5. controlling who can smoke in bars, bingo halls, etc is BS. that should be something individual owners could set rules for. i think its BS people cant go into a bar, drink a beer, and smoke a cigarette



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I think it'd be bullshit to go into a bar and not be able to breath plain, clean air.


then let the bar owners decide if its a smoking/non smoking bar, and if its a smoking bar, go to another fucking bar


anytime i go to a bar, what do i have to do? walk through a cloud of smokers, just to get thru the front door.. you're gonna get hit with it one way or another. since you're so worried about it, why dont you stop driving, because there are accidents every day. stop eating food too, so you dont choke and die.


ive been in restaraunts where there are smoking/non smoking areas, and i have not once had an issue with my asthma acting up on me, and i have it pretty bad. if i dont want to be around it, ill move or go somewhere else. its their right to smoke, let them smoke

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then let the bar owners decide if its a smoking/non smoking bar, and if its a smoking bar, go to another fucking bar


anytime i go to a bar, what do i have to do? walk through a cloud of smokers, just to get thru the front door.. you're gonna get hit with it one way or another. since you're so worried about it, why dont you stop driving, because there are accidents every day. stop eating food too, so you dont choke and die.


ive been in restaraunts where there are smoking/non smoking areas, and i have not once had an issue with my asthma acting up on me, and i have it pretty bad. if i dont want to be around it, ill move or go somewhere else. its their right to smoke, let them smoke


I think that bar owners should be able to decide if they also want to refrigerate their food, have their employees wash their hands, and let rats run around

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then let the bar owners decide if its a smoking/non smoking bar, and if its a smoking bar, go to another fucking bar


anytime i go to a bar, what do i have to do? walk through a cloud of smokers, just to get thru the front door.. you're gonna get hit with it one way or another. since you're so worried about it, why dont you stop driving, because there are accidents every day. stop eating food too, so you dont choke and die.


ive been in restaraunts where there are smoking/non smoking areas, and i have not once had an issue with my asthma acting up on me, and i have it pretty bad. if i dont want to be around it, ill move or go somewhere else. its their right to smoke, let them smoke

Go to another bar? All you have to do is go smoke somewhere else. Why do you want me to bend over backwards to smokers? And fzr: Ben you don't even fucking smoke so quit bitching. I don't see any real reason to let smokers have first hand ability to smoke where they want when there are people who just want their natural right.

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I hear'd he ran so that, for whatever reason, he could sue Blackewell over the outcome. That's a sharp mo'fo right thar!


Is he still going to sue Blackwell, even though he lost?


Fitrakis' only goal is to trash our government, he hates everything about it.

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Socialism is one election away from communism.

Did they teach you that in Ronald Reagan Elementary school? Socialism won't work for the exact same reason that capitalism won't work: It hinges on the actions of human beings, and those fuckers get greedy. Jesus was a socialist, what's your opinion of him?

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