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i found a 97 rf 900, less than 8k, needs both lower fairings $400 for both, for $1500!? im about 5'6" 155lbs, never riden anything over a 600, i dont have a bike license, and ive always respected the power of every machine that ive driven. what are some things i should consider, what should i look for/at when i go look at it, hopefully this weeked, and what about insurance. anything and everything that you can suggest would be helpful. thanks!
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had a 600 and loved it(rf that is). was a learner bike but heard nothing but good things about the 9. It is a heavy bike though but I'm 5'9" and have a TL 1000R and it's way heavier and have no problems if your in any athletic shape you should be fine!
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Insurance is higher for anything larger than a 600cc bike. Sounds like a decent deal as long as it rides and runs nice. Best advice I can give is take someone with you who has been around bikes for a long time. Make sure you or your someone takes it for a test drive too! I never buy a bike without a nice 10-20 minute ride on it.
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make sure the case covers arent banged to hell, if both side fairings are trashed, most likely its been down, and had some road rash, just look for oil leaks, see how the clutch is on it, make sure you can still adjust it (meaning there is life left in it)

check the oil see what it looks like. if it smokes ou the exhaust dont buy it.


jsut look things over, make sure nothing is bent or out of shape, no vibrations when riding, no vibrations under accel or decel or braking.

make sur eit doesnt over heat or isnt leaking coolant. make sure the radiator isnt bent or cracked, all critical mounting points wiht engine and frame are straight. check subframe for damage as well. make sure all signals work properly too.


again wiht the stator and clutch covers (engine side covers, will be ciricle shaped). they are expensive, so make sure yuo see if they are banged up, or leaking. you dont want to buy somethign you gotta dump a ton of money into. make sure its got a smooth idle, no deads spots in the throttle. jsut be thorough, and do like you would a car.


and yes insurance will kill you wiht anything over a 750cc. although the Rf is considered more of a sport touring type bike.


i cant think of anythign else right now hope that helps

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