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Is your mechanic cheating?


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I hate those fucking videos. All they do is make the next 40 year old penny pinching twat bitch about everything a real mechanic does. Don't take your car to a fucking Jiffy Lube for a 3$ oil change and expect magic to happen.


The people that are hired are told everyday...every hour to "sell more" "sell more" "sell more".

Of course he is going to recommend a fuel filter...air filter...blah blah.

If you know your gas tank needs dropped to change a fuel filter...some 20 year old guy making tops 9$ an hour...and plus you want the whole job done in a half hour...well gee..he might just skip out on the work.


All these videos do is give people who do quality work and are actual "mechanics" a bad rep.

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dont act like every shop in town does that kind of shit.
Truth. My customers are my bread & butter, and I treat them accordingly.


Many satisfied customers don't 'spread the word'. They paid for quality service, and got it. No miracle there. Trust is built over years of doing good work for people, and though they may recommend you to friends & family, they're not likely to shout at the top of their lungs to the world about what a great shop you run.


Pissed-off customers, on the other hand, will raise hell in every way possible. Even the ones who are impossible to satisfy; those who would bitch if you rebuilt their engine and only charged them $20, because it should've been done in a day.

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I believe I've seen the video before, but I'm at work right now and can't watch it. People who take their cars to shops like Jiffy Lube almost deserve it, you get what you pay for in the car business. Sure at a dealership an oil change runs you $30, but you're getting an ASE certified tech that works on the same cars everyday and can just look at the car and tell you everything that's wrong with it. I'm sure independent shops are similar, but I'm sure I could pinpoint something on a Saturn a lot quicker than an independent shop tech just b/c I work on them all day everyday. But at Jiffy Lube you have 17 year old kids who know hardly anything about car except how to rotate tires and oil changes.
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I believe I've seen the video before, but I'm at work right now and can't watch it. People who take their cars to shops like Jiffy Lube almost deserve it, you get what you pay for in the car business. Sure at a dealership an oil change runs you $30, but you're getting an ASE certified tech that works on the same cars everyday and can just look at the car and tell you everything that's wrong with it. I'm sure independent shops are similar, but I'm sure I could pinpoint something on a Saturn a lot quicker than an independent shop tech just b/c I work on them all day everyday. But at Jiffy Lube you have 17 year old kids who know hardly anything about car except how to rotate tires and oil changes.



Im 16 and I can change oil and rotate tires. Do I get a reward?

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I need to find a new mechanic... I'll find one I know and then they quit or get fired. I don't want to have to go through the dealership for minor things.

first link in my sig.


im not going anywhere.and i do some stuff on the side at home.

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i worked at faslube for like 2 weeks.


i was more mechanically inclined than everyone who worked there. nto making myself look good or anything, bt just telling the truth. the MADE me try to sell customers shit they didnt need. i told them i would not. like they wanted me to sell there engine flush wich is a bad idea thye have like a kersone mix the dump in the engine and let it run for 5 mins. thats bad on bearings and all rotating parts. it doesn lubricate enough. its more harm than good. and they charge like $130 for this crap. and they always want you to try and get people to buy the more expensive oil or filter. when its the same shit as they normally get. people there act like they know more than they actually do. no one is certified, and as stated above 90% of the people who work there only know how to rotate tires and change oil. ad with shitty wages they pay, no one wants to be there in the first place.


after seeing all the bullshit, and standing up for what i think is right i walked out during one of the busiest days while i was there. i looked at the manager said fuck you and left.


those places are scams and a rippoff the the american public.

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