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Michigan > Ohio


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gotta love seeing all the detroit muscle up there too. here in cbus all you see is imports but up north you can see all kinds of new stuff too. I remember seeing the XLR's, the Solstices, the new C6, etc...up there way before anywhere else I travel(ed)


So I'm in the Bay City area today and tomorrow. The ONLY thing Michigan has over Ohio (well, two things):


1) 70mph speed limit on the highway


2) No front plates


But our college football team stills kicks fucking ass. That is all.

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Woodward Dream Cruise > * if you want to see Detroit muscle.


100% correct. my buddy works at a porsche/audi/landrover dealership on woodward...i went up 2 years ago...he thought it would be funny to have me get on woodward about 4 miles from where he was...it took me over 2 hours to get to him. i think i burned almost 1/4 tank in 2 miles.

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100% correct. my buddy works at a porsche/audi/landrover dealership on woodward...i went up 2 years ago...he thought it would be funny to have me get on woodward about 4 miles from where he was...it took me over 2 hours to get to him. i think i burned almost 1/4 tank in 2 miles.

yeah no kidding. it takes 5 hours to get from pontiac (which is normally 20 min north) to where my friend's grandma lives. next year, i might bring the truck up because his dad'll be bringing up their 1962 Morgan 4/4

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When I was looking for a Legacy, I found one in Detroit. I went to Windsor for the weekend and stopped to look at the car on the way back. The thing was cosmetically beat to hell. Looked like a kid went up and down the car with a set of drum sticks. His pictures didn't show any markings on the car at all. I asked him what the hell happen. He said " the roads are bad here". I couldn't believe he said that. It was way more than shit hitting the car from the road. Those road are the only thing I don't like about going to Windsor.
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Speed limit nice, roads only allow 35, but if your in your turbo diesel and you can actually go that fast good luck seeing the unmarked cop cars hiding inside the concrete medians. That and i hope you have air conditioning, because detroit stinks.
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Yes, no front plates. If you DON'T agree, then you're on crack and can gimme my cool points back :D


On another note, I dunno why everyone is bitching about the highways. I had ZERO problems and smooth driving the entire time.


US23 -> I-68 -> I-75 -> US10 and didn't see anything to complain about. I'd tend to say that trip provided better roads than Columbus, but the yuppie fucks in Delaware need destroyed.

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Car speed limit 70mph, truck limit 55mph, Truck changing lanes in front of you with 15-20mph difference not cool. Also cops that can hide in the bushes with no lights on at night not cool either.


No front plate is kinda nice, but it's not like we all follow the rules around here anyway.

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The faster you drive, the smoother the bumps feel.


Anthony, US 23 just had a major resurfacing project finish, and I-75 North of the Flint area isn't bad (75 and 23 are the same road at that point.) The worst is I-75 between Toledo and Detriot. All the roads in downtown Detroit are shitty.


pdqgp - You'll see everything up here before it's out due to all the manufacturers having captured fleets running around at pre-production time.

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Actually, most of the time when I pull up behind a car in the left lane they move over. In Ohio they just sit there oblivious.


Space Ghost - You're lucky you didn't get nabbed by any of the unmarked Camaro's or Impala SS's they have up here. Some of them even have tint on the windows.


Anthony - The only thing in Midland is Dow Chemical and a bunch of hicks.


Doug - Try 696 at rush our.

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