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What constitutes a good driver?


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What do you think makes a good driver? I am talking about everyday driving not like shifting fast or a good 60' time. I am looking for things that are quantitative.


I think things like:

using turn signal

not tailgaiting(unless justified buy annoyingly slow driver)

driving speed limit

not driving in the left lane when not passing


What do you think?

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"not tailgaiting(unless justified buy annoyingly slow driver)"

If you're talegating, you are saying I will hit you and I don't care. If you are tailgating me, you are saying " hit the breaks so we can meet face to face ".


A good driver is a defensive driver.

-Watching for things like no turn signal

- Not tailgating

-Driving the speed limit + the flow of traffic within reason

-Being relaxed behind the wheel

-Leaving yourself outs should something happen

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quite simply one that pays fucking attention and knows the rules of the road.


99% of what pisses me off on the road is folks not being aware of what they are doing or what is going on around them.


pet peeves:

- not keeping right on the highway...drive right, pass left already!

- going zero to the speed limit in 3 minutes :wtf:

- driving 5mph below the limit at all times :thumbdown

- folks who insist on driving in my blind spot...I cut those asses off :mad:

- changing lanes in the intersection :slap:

- right turns with a slice all the way to the left before even traveling straight one foot...usually combined with no turn signal. :asshole:

- stopping in front of a driveway or in an intersection :doh:

- huge one.....turning left from the far right side of a street or driveway

- passing a semi truck at the trucks speed plus 3mph :rolleyes:


I'm sure I'll add to the list and make use of more emocons




What do you think makes a good driver? I am talking about everyday driving not like shifting fast or a good 60' time. I am looking for things that are quantitative.


I think things like:

using turn signal

not tailgaiting(unless justified buy annoyingly slow driver)

driving speed limit

not driving in the left lane when not passing


What do you think?

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"not tailgaiting(unless justified buy annoyingly slow driver)"

If you're talegating, you are saying I will hit you and I don't care. If you are tailgating me, you are saying " hit the breaks so we can meet face to face ".


A good driver is a defensive driver.

-Watching for things like no turn signal

- Not tailgating

-Driving the speed limit + the flow of traffic within reason

-Being relaxed behind the wheel

-Leaving yourself outs should something happen


+1 for no tailgating.

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First off, to be a good driver.. you have to be a man.


Women by definition cannot be good drivers.


Obviously you can't read the own articles that you find on the internet.


Apparently most of you dont know what quantitative is. For those who don't it means something that can be measured or counted.


And for Joe, I'm sure you have tailgaited before, unless you stay a car length away from a car for every ten mph you are going, which I highly doubt. And how do you get people to get over who are driving in the left hand lane going 60 on the freeway and won't get over? I ride their ass, not anything that I wouldn't be able to stop if they laid on the brakes, but enough to get the point across.


If I could get serious answers that would be great because I want to know what people think so I can add their thoughts to the list of things that I am using for a, I guess you could call it a study, that I am going to do.




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a good driver is someone who is alert, has common sense, and recognizes that when he or she is on the road, he has little to no control over the actions of others, so he does everything in his power to make himself as small a target for misfortune as possible
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And for Joe, I'm sure you have tailgaited before, unless you stay a car length away from a car for every ten mph you are going, which I highly doubt. And how do you get people to get over who are driving in the left hand lane going 60 on the freeway and won't get over? I ride their ass, not anything that I wouldn't be able to stop if they laid on the brakes, but enough to get the point across.



Easy killer. First of all, this is probably one of the best topics posted in quite some time. My reply was completely contributing to your topic in a positive way. I simply do not agree with tailgating as a form of intimidation. I do not expect people to get over for me. I know they should be in a different lane, but I also know it's faster to get around them. I leave enough room and let traffic open its self up and there is always room to pass. Me tailgating only means I can get boxed in. If someone tailgates me, then I have control over how fast or slow they go. If they hit me, that must be what they wanted and I can work with that too. I don't drive slow so this doesn't happen often.



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1. if someone can sleep in your car while you are driving

2. if you drive as if you are not on the road ie: so other people don't have to react to decisions you make (for the most part)

3. no cell phones

4. no drinks/eating

5. respect semi trucks/motorcycles


and sorry ryan howard is right, women can't drive, i try not to stereotype but females make me do it

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i had a woman tailgating me while i was driving my g/fs mazda3 a couple nights ago...not like 'just a little close', i could not see this bitches headlights in my rearview. after 3 light brake checks, and she still didnt get it, i nailed em pretty fucking hard...i dont know how she didnt hit me...from then until i turned and she wasnt behind me, she kept a good 8-10 cars in a 45 zone.
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Cell phones, thats a good one. Joe you must be the most calm driver on the planet if you drive like you say. I need lessons from you. I myself almost have a heart attack almost everytime I drive because of douche bag drivers.


Again, I need quantitative things, like something I can classify by driving by someone who is being a d-bag and mark it down. For example bad driving caused by talking on a cell phone, I can obviously see that that person is driving bad because they are on their phone.


Oh I also forgot passing in the right lanes.

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First off, to be a good driver.. you have to be a man.


Women by definition cannot be good drivers.




ill tell you my 2 stories.


1. its 8 am, sunny, feb 8th 2002. im in the fast lane, just as i look up from checking my speed (66 btw) . i get slammed in the rear. now after i recover my very low milage, rare crystal blue 200sx, im thinking wtf.. how dones someone hit me in the rear when im driving down the fucking freeway. i get out of the car to see a total loss. guess what the FEMALE that was driving her brand new hyundai with 2 kids in the back seat. figure that one out. car is totaled. pics to prove




2. im sitting at a red light at stringtown and 71. turn signal on. my car starts freaking out and the idle starts bouncing up and down. i rev it up to clean it out...guess what the FEMALE behind slams right into me. now what the fuck not again. i pull over to the side and get out. s"he says quote me."i heard your car rev up so i went" o good now were driving by sound now. omfg


so no my experince with drivers of the other sex isnt very good. and im not saying that there arent any very good female drivers. ive figured out that females mainly only know how to do things that are tought or shown how to do.you might be thinking how so, you can teac



h one to drive a manual car; there for they dont observe things very well and cant make split second desctions very well. i tell my girlfriend all the time;talk on the phone or drive, one or the other. my other example is how most dont know how things work. or understand how things like tires can chage there compound with heat and whatnot.


and lastly. i belive most females have about half of the depth perception as a male driver. heres your test for this one. put your wife in a 93+ transmarobird. stand in front of it..and ask her to tell you how far away she is from your legs.....laugh...and she will get out and proably smack you because she was way off....or..they will just say "i dunno".


no im not sexist dont even try it.

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Joe you must be the most calm driver on the planet if you drive like you say. I need lessons from you.


Tinman, Howard, and Carl have all posted here and have all been riders in may car's. I'm pretty calm and simply see and point out people that I have to dodge. I get frustrated by them but, it doesn't effect my driving and I will get away from them. Thought troublemaker on here, will tell you I have drivin in the berm passing people in the rain. Funny story he can finish.


I invite you to go for a ride with me. Either car, weather permitting for the 7.

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Tinman, Howard, and Carl have all posted here and have all been riders in may car's. I'm pretty calm and simply see and point out people that I have to dodge. I get frustrated by them but, it doesn't effect my driving and I will get away from them. Thought troublemaker on here, will tell you I have drivin in the berm passing people in the rain. Funny story he can finish.


I invite you to go for a ride with me. Either car, weather permitting for the 7.





You drive like an ass. At least in the Subaru. I have never driven with you in the RX7.


Since Tank chimed in with some stories I will as well


When I was driving my dad's car ;) the battery was faulty. It also had an AEM in it that I was slowly tuning. The car stalled out on a busy side street connected to Sawmill. (Right by the Diamond Celler)


I popped the hood, and put the flashers on while I waited for my friend to show up and jump me.


TWICE I had women pull up behind me, on cell phones, and then just sit there. Pull right up on my ass. I had to get out and inform them that I was broken down,a nd that they should go around.


The one time the woman caused about 5 cars to get backed up and caused a mini little traffic jam.


I also agree that women have less spacial regognition that men. That has been proven in scientific studies.


Men are more aggressive drivers, and due to them being the majority of drivers on the road... they statistically are worse.

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Joe, You drive like an ass. At least in the Subaru. I have never driven with you in the RX7.


You've been around me more in the RX7 than the Subaru. And this is coming from you who has asked me to come pick you up, or for us to meet so you can ride with me. Even if you were to say it was to save on gas, can't be I'm all that bad now Howard. Anyway, back on topic. LOL

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Howard, obviously you've never pissed off a woman while driving, during rush hour traffic in a blizzard and putting on mascara. She would run circles around you :)


And how come, if you got into that same accident, TurboTank, and it was a man you'd say it was just an accident and he's a idiot and blah blah but since it was a female... she's just a bad, overall driver? And yes, what you said was sexist.


Why don't you start another poll. How many accident, big or small have you GUYS been in on here? And I don't care that statistically there are more men driving then women.

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You've been around me more in the RX7 than the Subaru. And this is coming from you who has asked me to come pick you up, or for us to meet so you can ride with me. Even if you were to say it was to save on gas, can't be I'm all that bad now Howard. Anyway, back on topic. LOL



I didn't say you're driving scared me. I just said you drive like an ass. I obviously trust your skill level, or I would never go out racing with you.

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