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Official 2007 weight loss contest thread?


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I may be in, as well. As Scott and I spoke about before, the want is there but the motivation is lacking and I've gained a freakin ton in the last 4years.


maybe??... you need in just as bad as I do..



I am in

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im now the biggest ive ever been i had some roomate issues and had to move back in with the rents...with the aid of moms cooking ive packed on about 80pounds maybe a bit more since i moved out...time for a bigass (no pun intended) change!@
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Let's all say $20 to enter, we can do a weigh in somewhere close? Somone's house etc. Now all needs to figure out how long we want this to go? 1-2 months?


I am down with this. I gained all the weight I lost over the summer and am up to 282 lets get this party started!!!



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I'd like to drop 20, but the problem with a contest is that a fat-ass has a way better chance of winning than someone that only needs to drop a few pounds (that includes reduction in body-fat vs. just weight reduction). Let's face it, it it much easier/quicker to go from 20% body fat to 15%, than from 15% to 10.
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I'd like to drop 20, but the problem with a contest is that a fat-ass has a way better chance of winning than someone that only needs to drop a few pounds (that includes reduction in body-fat vs. just weight reduction). Let's face it, it it much easier/quicker to go from 20% body fat to 15%, than from 15% to 10.


Make it a team event, divide into two teams. :D

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Joe the way it is done is the percentage of weight loss not you body fat percentage.

We can to two groups if people realy want a "little" class and a "Alot" class. Are people cool with doing it on a sunday on the eastside? we can do it at my house Or the shop ether one has plenty of room.

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I will most likely get in on this. The one that I was in last year lasted for 10 weeks.


Pick a weigh-in date; a Sunday generally works for most people. Make it a couple weeks from now so that people have time to put it on their calendar.

A $20 buy-in is reasonable. You need to have the $20 in hand when you weigh in. The person organizing the event will hold onto the cash.

Then pick a final weigh-in date. Make it either 10 or 12 weeks out.

Everyone must weigh in on the final weigh-in date or they forfeit their $20.


I think it should be 'every man for himself'. Trying to make teams would take too much time and be way too difficult since everyone has lives outside of this event.


The final weigh-in is calculated by percentage of weight lost. That is the only way to make it fair.


The only last thing I can think of is...honor system. Losing weight is to be done naturally....Diet and Exercise.



Those are the only rules I can think of. What do you guys think? Anything you want to add/edit/remove?

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How do you determine which group to put someone in? Say you have Group A (bigger people) and Group B (smaller people). What is the weight cut-off for Group B? Also, in this case, you would have to have 2 winners and have to split the cash in half.

Yes, for someone who doesn't have as much weight to lose, it would be hard to win, but they have to realize this before entering the contest.

Maybe you are looking at it a different way than I am. If so, please explain in more detail.

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All good and valid points. What about adding another weigh in or 2 in the middle to show progress? over a 12 week period meet once every 4 weeks for weigh in.


Just for comparison how many other people entered the last one? if the pot is big enough maybe we could add a smaller prize for 2nd place. of course this wouldn't make sence if there were only 10 or so people in the competition but if there's 40 people that's a Grand large, split it up to the top 2 or 3 and make more enticing for people to join.

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A lot of people were interested in the one last year, but only 5 showed up at the weigh-in. Including my $20 buy-in, I won $100.


I like the idea of having a couple weigh-ins during the middle so that people know where they stand and to make it a little more competitive.


Having a 2nd or 3rd place person getting cash will have to be determined after the original weigh-in so that we know exactly how much cash is in the pot. Like you said, if the pot is large enough, it would make it more enticing.

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Now that it looks like we have a lot of interest, who is going to organize this? I live on the westside, across from Georgesville Square. I can organize it and have the weigh-in at my place if you'd all like. I believe there were a couple other people that said they could. Let's decide soon before people start losing interest or get too involved with other things.
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I was thinking of use the chart for hight and age that tells what you shouls weigh in order to place people into the catorgories say more than 50 to lose and less than 50 or maybe some other number. However this is only if people realy want it I whould just rather leave as one big group since I am a big guy.


We can have the First weigh in in 2 weeks On the 20th At my house. We will at that time write down all weights and collect money ($20 bye in sounds cool) and I was thinking maybe let ether Alex or Anthony hold both since I don't belive ether in going to get in on this and they are trusted members. I belive I can arange for a full medicale rated scale to use then as well.


Also what is permited in your guys eyes just so everyone is clear

1. Trainer?

2. Slimfast/ Some gnc stuff/ etc.?

3. I am sure the Optifast program I did a bit back is illigeal (should be)

any others ?

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So, no Methamphetamines? lol


Rick, kiss my fat ass. ;)


I'm down for this. I know I'm at a bit of a disadvantage as my workouts will be limited by my back. But, my back would be better if I lost some weight. It's a damn catch 22. I'll give it a shot, though. The soda drinking stops here! If anyone needs incentive to run, my dog will be in the backyard. Feel free to jump in.

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