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Can you fight a paced ticket?

Guest 90probev8

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  90probev8 said:
no it's just marked paced


he should have verified it with radar.. his fault there... you could try and fight it.. he should have verified your speed with radar too, oh well.


Ask for a no point speed or something less with a higher fine.

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I just dealt with Hocking County for a speeding ticket. The courthouse is in Logan.


Contact Attorney William "Bill" Henderson, he's out of Logan and very respected. I was told the local judiciary branch fears him in court, and that is absolutely 100% correct.


I paid him $250 and he got my 79 in a 55 dropped down to a non-moving violation, loud exhaust. This is with three prior speeds in a year and seven total in the last three years. He's that good.


Tell him Anthony Green (friend of the Conners) recommended him. He'll know what to do :)

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